Breakfast Blues

May 28, 2015 17:44

Title: Breakfast Blues
Author: Timelordshines, Iantojjackh
Characters: Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones
Challenge: Written for tw100 Challenge #343 - Blue
Rating: 15
Words: 100
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Characters belong to RTD and the BBC - I’m just borrowing them ( Read more... )

15, tw_fic, ianto_jones, jack_harkness, drabble

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Comments 6

badly_knitted May 30 2015, 11:13:13 UTC

Ianto is very much enjoying his breakfast, and it looks like Jack is too!


timelordshines June 1 2015, 15:12:19 UTC
Yup they both enjoyed it very much!

And so what if they were late to work - that's one of the perks of being (or shagging) the boss!


too_beauty June 1 2015, 04:46:58 UTC
Why don't I ever have that kind of breakfast?
smut is fine!!!!!


timelordshines June 1 2015, 15:13:18 UTC
Yeah it does sounds like a good breakfast...
I'm not jealous, really!


jo02 June 1 2015, 09:17:44 UTC

Ahahaha - fluff - smut - it's all the same to me :)

I'm just chuffed that you've taken tw100 on holidays with you!


timelordshines June 1 2015, 15:14:31 UTC
I like fluffy smut :-)

Pleased you enjoyed it!

tw100 has provided us with plenty of entertainment on our holidays as we work our way backwards through the prompts. Thank you! :-)


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