Only in Cardiff

May 26, 2015 17:36

Title: Only in Cardiff
Author: Timelordshines, Iantojjackh
Characters: Toshiko Sato, Owen Harper
Challenge: Written for tw100 Challenge #345 - Cake
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Characters belong to RTD and the BBC - I’m just borrowing them ( Read more... )

tw_fic, pg, owen_harper, drabble, toshiko_sato

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Comments 15

badly_knitted May 26 2015, 17:12:33 UTC
ROFL! Weevil parties! Why didn't Torchwood get invites? I'd love to know how the weevils went about baking their cake! On second thoughts, I'm probably better off not knowing...

(I know it's not a party hat, but this icon is the closest I've got).


timelordshines May 27 2015, 23:28:07 UTC
You really don't want to know about the cake!
We were trying to figure out what it would look/smell/taste like. That was one disgusting conversation that left us needing brain bleach!
Great icon (if slightly the wrong time of year)


badly_knitted May 28 2015, 10:48:20 UTC
I like my Christmas Weevil, she looks very... intimidating, actually.

Rat cake looks Yuk, smells Yuk and tastes Yuk. Unless you're a Weevil, then it's the yummiest thing ever.

I'm glad I'm not a Weevil.


tardisjournal May 26 2015, 17:32:36 UTC
Hey, I was just wondering if you two were going to meet up while Kerri was over there. Here's my answer! Have fun, you crazy kids! :)

Weevils are just full of surprises, aren't they? Birthday parties in the park (albeit with rat cake--ewwww)! One wonders if these have been living around humans so long they've adopted some of our customs, or if this was always a Weevil thing. :-p


iantojjackh May 27 2015, 22:02:54 UTC
Thanks. We are having a blast here.

Weevils are intersting creaTURE. WATCH FOR more to come


timelordshines May 27 2015, 23:32:29 UTC
Yup, we are together again in Cardiff :-) And we are having a great time, thank you :-)
Look out for our daily drabble collaboration...

That's an interesting question... I think they may have adopted our customs


caz251 May 26 2015, 20:19:20 UTC
I can just picture the weevils :)

I also wonder were Owen got his knowledge of charred wet rat :)


timelordshines May 27 2015, 23:38:36 UTC
I'd like to say it was a cute scene to stumble across, but mostly it was just disturbing!

You really don't want to know how Owen knows about the rats!

Thanks :-)


Only in Cardiff livejournal May 27 2015, 21:46:26 UTC
User iantojjackh referenced to your post from Only in Cardiff saying: [...] on our trip to Cardiff. Written whilst sitting enjoying the sunshine in Bute Park Only in Cardiff [...]


owensheart May 28 2015, 12:40:59 UTC
well Thats definitely something not even Torchwood sees every day LOL


timelordshines May 28 2015, 16:23:17 UTC
Yup, it's a new one on them! :-)



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