I'm Late!

Apr 16, 2014 18:12

Title: I'm Late!
Author: Timelordshines
Characters: Gwen Cooper, Rhys Williams and the team
Rating: PG-13
Words: 739
Spoilers: S2E9. CoE didn't happen. Tosh and Owen are alive.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to RTD and the BBC - I’m just borrowing them.
Written for cotton_candy_bingo prompt "Late ( Read more... )

jack_harkness, pg-13, toshiko_sato, tw_fic, rhys_williams, cotton_candy_bingo, ianto_jones, gwen_cooper, owen_harper

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Comments 11

too_beauty April 16 2014, 18:20:31 UTC
awww they are having a Janto baby!!!!! YAY!!!!!


timelordshines April 16 2014, 20:18:19 UTC
Yup they are :-)
Although this fic was supposed to be about Gwen and Rhys! Janto stole their thunder.
The next part will be about Jack and Ianto for my bingo square 'Accident'.

I wasn't going to write pregnancy or children fics. I even vetoed them for my card. But this just kind of wrote itself.


too_beauty April 16 2014, 21:15:15 UTC
I'm happy that you gave this a try!!!


tardisjournal April 16 2014, 20:18:35 UTC
Wow! I guess congratulations are in order all around! I just hope Gwen isn't too irked that Jack managed to steal some of her thunder with his bombshell of an announcement! :D


timelordshines April 16 2014, 20:21:14 UTC
Thanks :-)

Gwen is a little peeved, but she's too excited about her own news to care all that much :-)


iantojjackh April 16 2014, 23:52:59 UTC
Yah. Congrats boys


timelordshines April 17 2014, 07:52:37 UTC
Yup :-)
And Gwen and Rhys - this is their fic. Jack and Ianto get their turn in the next fic. :-)


jo02 April 17 2014, 05:52:23 UTC

Lol, I suppose that makes Jack the wife :)


timelordshines April 17 2014, 07:55:10 UTC
Yeah, but he's a good wife! :-)


badly_knitted April 17 2014, 19:36:22 UTC
*grins* Hub life will be unbearable with both Jack and Gwen pregnant! At least Rhys can get away from Gwen by going to work. Ianto is stuck with Jack all day and will now have to cope with having a hormonal Gwen aroud too. Oh the horror! And Owen will be stuck with two stroppy, pregnant teammates to supervise.

I think Torchwood needs to hire more staff - they're going to be short of field agents and a second medical officer wouldn't be a bad idea either, to take some of the pressure off Owen.


timelordshines April 19 2014, 21:30:07 UTC
Yeah I feel sorry for poor Ianto. And Owen. And even Tosh. They are all going to have a lot to put up with!

Torchwood will definitely need more staff. Jack is going to see if he can find any suitable candidates... ideally poach a certain medic from UNIT...


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