Swept Away

Feb 06, 2014 00:59

Title: Swept Away
Author: Timelordshines
Characters: Rhys Williams, Gwen Cooper
Challenge: Written for tw100 Challenge #306 - Under the Sofa
Rating: PG-13
Words: 100 (x2)
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Characters belong to RTD and the BBC - I’m just borrowing them

Under the Sofa )

tw_fic, rhys_williams, gwen_cooper, pg-13, drabble

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Comments 11

too_beauty February 6 2014, 01:07:38 UTC
wow, my heart goes to Rhys, Gwen does not deserve him at all ... no matter if she feels sorry or guilty ....


timelordshines February 6 2014, 13:18:45 UTC
He cant help loving her.


aviv_b February 6 2014, 01:41:25 UTC
Ouch! It's bad enough she retconned him once, but multiple times would be unforgivable.


timelordshines February 6 2014, 13:20:21 UTC
Yeah. But at least he's not fooled by her. He knows what she's like but loves her anyway. He is too good for her.


tardisjournal February 6 2014, 02:19:54 UTC
Oh wow, that reveal was a punch in the gut. Rhys remembers everything!

It's hard to believe, no matter how soothing those little pills were, that he'd stick around for repeated dosing, but that's Rhys for you. He really loves Gwen and will do anything to keep her. Even quietly dispose of the condom wrappers he finds under his own sofa! Ugh!

Well-done. :)


timelordshines February 6 2014, 13:26:44 UTC
Yeah I was a bit mean to him perhaps.
At least this way he is in control. She is a bitch and she gets away with it- but only because he lets her. She thinks he's forgotten but he knows the score and is prepared to put up with it- for now. He cant help loving her.


jo02 February 6 2014, 02:49:29 UTC

Wow - very powerful!


timelordshines February 6 2014, 13:20:56 UTC
Thank you


badly_knitted February 6 2014, 21:57:31 UTC
Ouch! Poor Rhys, remembering everything every time. *hugs Rhys*

If Gwen really felt sorry and guilty, she'd stop drugging the man she claims to love. Rhys is too good for her, she doesn't deserve him.


timelordshines February 7 2014, 00:38:06 UTC
It's better that he does remember, rather than having her steal his memories on top of the other crimes against him.
He really is too good for her but he loves her. And as much as she hurts him sometimes she makes him happy too so he accepts a certain amount of her messing him around. But he is the one in control - she only gets away with as much as he is willing to allow.


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