
Dec 20, 2013 23:57

Title: Tackled
Author: Timelordshines
Characters: Gwen Cooper, Jack Harkness, Rhys Williams
Rating: PG-13
Words: 1314
Spoilers: S2E9
Disclaimer: Characters belong to RTD and the BBC - I’m just borrowing them.
Written for hc_bingo prompt "Head Trauma".Author's Note: I'm sorry i've not been commenting lately - I have four pages of entries on my ( Read more... )

tw_fic, hc_bingo, rhys_williams, gwen_cooper, jack_harkness, pg-13

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Comments 14

iantojjackh December 21 2013, 00:23:10 UTC
Poor Rhys.

Hey can you use either of colabs as prompt fills? I'm sure those are allowed.

Eta: you can uses fighting for the first and trust issues for the second. That gives you two less to write.


timelordshines December 21 2013, 01:30:20 UTC
Ooh thats a good idea.
And kind of like giving me a time machine :-) using fics we wrote in the past.

Just a couple of points though... Firstly I'm not sure if collaborations are allowed? Secondly, doesn't the fic have to be written specifically for the challenge, not posted before? And thirdly, assuming the above points are ok - you thought of using those fics for h/c. Dont you have any prompts you can use them with? I'd hate to steal them!


tardisjournal December 21 2013, 14:45:36 UTC
Excuse me for barging in, but I just had this conversation (with myself--lol) about using a previously-written fic for hc_bingo, and I thought I might be able to help. I don't know what the rules on collaborations are, but the rules about when fics are written are clear--they have to be written FOR this round of hc_bingo, which started June 10th. So things posted prior to that are out (there went my brilliant idea of using my Jack/John Hart Time Agents AU, posted in May, for "arrest ( ... )


timelordshines December 21 2013, 19:11:27 UTC
I don't mind you barging in at all! This is an open conversation, all are welcome :-)
Thanks for the advice, I think I might use those two collaboration fics. They were both posted after the challenge started, although not after I signed up. The rules for collaborations say that only one of the collaborators can use the fic and only if the other collaborator doesn't mind. So that is ok, since it is iantojjackh who very kindly suggested I use them, and she doesn't have any prompts they could fit.

I look forward to reading your new arrest fic :-)


too_beauty December 21 2013, 01:20:58 UTC
at least Rhys had found a way to find something good out of his jealousy.


timelordshines December 21 2013, 19:02:02 UTC
Gwen chose and married Rhys. She'll always love Jack too, and Rhys knows that but he has accepted it.
At least he knows Jack cares for Gwen and is there for her.


jo02 December 21 2013, 10:46:35 UTC

I really liked the tone of this :)


timelordshines December 21 2013, 19:03:44 UTC
Thank you :-)


tardisjournal December 21 2013, 14:28:49 UTC
Ohh, very touching! Poor Rhys. I'm relieved he's alright. That last line is just so him, always making the best of his situation with Gwen because he loves her so much, without ever realizing just how unfaithful she really is.

Well-done! :)


timelordshines December 21 2013, 19:07:11 UTC
Thank you :-)
I had to make sure Rhys was ok. I couldn't be that mean to him.
I'm pleased you liked the last line - that was the first thing I wrote for this fic, everything else came from there.


badly_knitted December 21 2013, 22:00:29 UTC
Nice to see Gwen so genuinely worried about Rhys, while Jack is like a caring boss/big brother to her, giving support with nary a flirt in sight!

Poor Rhys, but he's got a hard head, her'll be fine once the headache goes away. He might want to steer clear of playing rugby for a while though.


timelordshines January 5 2014, 18:28:09 UTC
Thank you.
Gwen does care a lot about Rhys, she just forgets how much she loves him sometimes, especially when she is so busy chasing after Jack. But Jack can do supporting and caring.

Rhys will be fine.


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