Title: Where To? (Sequel to Perfect Day)
Author: Timelordshines
Characters: Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones
Challenge: Written for
tw100 Challenge #300 + 1 - Prompt Sparta, sequel to my Swan series
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Characters belong to RTD and the BBC - I’m just borrowing them
“Where do you want to go for our honeymoon?”
“Well, I’ve always wanted to go to Rome or Athens or one of the ancient cities like that. There’s so much history out there that I want to see. Watching it on TV just isn’t the same. I bet actually being there is awe-inspiring.”
It was so nice to see Ianto this animated that Jack would have agreed to anything.
As if by fate, the next page he turned in the holiday brochure showed a full page advert for a gorgeous five star luxury hotel in Sparta.
“How about this one?”