Title: Nice Idea
Author: Timelordshines
Characters: Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones
Rating: 15
Words: 1786
Spoilers: S2E1
Disclaimer: Characters belong to RTD and the BBC - I’m just borrowing them.
Written for love_bingo prompt "Date night"
Jack had been home for just over three weeks now and things were pretty much back to normal. Gwen had gratefully given command of their small troupe back to the Captain and even Owen had accepted him back without any problems. Of course he was probably still feeling guilty for initiating the mutiny that had led to Jack’s death shortly before he left. Even though Jack had since reassured them all that that wasn’t his reason for going - he just needed to find his Doctor, who he had been waiting nearly two centuries for. Ianto couldn’t get his head around that. Two centuries of hanging around waiting for this bloke to come back, only to find when he did that the Doctor and his TARDIS couldn’t stand the sight of Jack, didn’t want to be near him because he was ‘wrong’. How could the Doctor say that? If Ianto ever got his hands on him…. He stopped his train of thought there because he knew he would never actually hurt Jack’s friend, because despite what the Doctor called him, Jack still considered him his best friend. But then Jack was like that - too loyal for his own good sometimes. Ianto smiled. That made two of them then.
Although things were mostly back to normal, one thing had changed. Ianto doubted that the others had even noticed it though, it was that subtle. Jack had changed. He had become more insecure, almost needy at times. He seemed to look for the others’ approval in his decisions. He sought out their company a lot more. He had even asked Ianto out on a date the day he got back.
Ianto had been flustered at the time, it was so unlike Jack, but he agreed and even looked forward to it. They had been together for ages, but never had an actual date. Occasionally they would grab a pizza together, just the two of them, but it was never a date. More like just their usual work routine but without the others. They would fuck over Jack’s desk or in the archives when the rift was being quiet, and sometimes they would even take the time to be together properly after the others had gone home, collapsing sticky and sated into Jack’s bunk.
Ianto never complained. Jack was fun to be around and the sex was fantastic. But when Jack asked if he would go on a date with him sometime Ianto realised that that was what was missing about their relationship, or whatever it was. He missed the intimate dinners and nights out at the cinema or theatre and nights in spent lounging in front of the telly that he used to enjoy with other partners. But since he first mentioned it, Jack hadn’t said anything more about the date. The first few days after Jack got back, Ianto was waiting for him to say something, trying to guess where Jack was going to take him. Dinner and a movie he’d said. Ianto was keeping an eye on the cinema listing to see if anything good came out. But when, after two weeks, Jack hadn’t mentioned anything again despite several evenings free from rift activity, Ianto gave up and realised it was just another empty promise.
Nice idea but never going to happen.
Ianto snapped himself out of his daydream and got back to the task at hand - cleaning the coffee machine. He heard the others shout their goodbyes and waited for Jack to inevitably come and stand propped up against the kitchen door to watch him work. As predicted, it wasn’t long before the Captain arrived.
“What’s up?” Ianto asked. Jack looked nervous for some reason.
“Nothing,” he replied, “are you busy tonight?”
“Not really. I was just going to finish up here, I’ve got a bit more filing to do down in the archives, then head home and put some washing on and catch up with a few chores. Why? Did you want to go weevil hunting or something?” either for real, or their own brand of ‘weevil hunting’. Either was good.
“Don’t bother with the archives. Just head on home.” Jack paused and bit his lip, then looking Ianto directly in the eyes he said, “Get ready for dinner.”
Ianto felt his own eyes go almost comically wide as he took in the anxious, earnest expression in Jack’s. He dropped his cleaning cloth. “Oh, um, ok…” Ianto was speechless.
“If you want to, that is?” Jack dropped his gaze to the floor, “you don’t have to.”
Ianto recovered his wits. “No, I want to.” He grinned and took Jack’s hand, forcing the older man to look at him again, “Thank you.” He said. He could almost feel Jack’s relief as the Captain’s grin lit up the kitchen.
Jack leant in and kissed him chastely on the lips, “I’ll pick you up at seven thirty. Wear something nice but not too formal, no need for the suit and tie” Jack said before turning on his heel and walking out of the kitchen towards his office, a spring in his step that Ianto hadn’t seen for a long time.
Ianto couldn’t help the grin splitting his face as he watched him go. Jack had asked him on a date! As the office door shut behind the Captain however, the grin melted away as Ianto felt his own nerves rising. A date! He hurriedly finished cleaning the coffee machine and rushed home.
As he pulled the front door shut behind him, Ianto checked his watch - six thirty. He had one hour to get ready. He leaned his back against the door and took a deep breath, fighting against his rising panic. “Come on Jones,” he muttered, “it’s just a date.” Yeah. And how long had it been since he had been on one of those?
A first date no less. With Jack.
He pushed himself off the door and headed for the bedroom and en suite beyond. He turned the shower on to warm then stripped out of his suit. He opened the wardrobe, looking for something to wear. Jack had said smart but casual. What the hell did that mean? He stood back and surveyed his clothes, with his hands on his hips. “Ok Ianto, you can do this” he said under his breath, before running his hand through his hair, then stepping forward and selecting a pair of black jeans. The jeans were tight enough that he knew Jack would appreciate his arse in them. Also, they were good quality made with a lovely soft denim, very touchable. Ianto grinned. Did he really want to be encouraging the Captain in that way? He could be handsy enough as it was!
Ianto could see the bathroom beginning to fill with steam. He should go and get his shower. Choosing a shirt could wait until after. He grabbed the jeans and a pair of black boxers and went into the bathroom.
Ianto showered quickly, letting his mind wander as he did. Where was Jack going to take him? What would they talk about? They couldn’t very well talk about work could they? He’d never been out with a man before. How did it work? Would Jack treat him as an equal, or would he treat Ianto like the girl, holding doors open for him and pulling his chair out. Ianto burst out laughing at the image. “Come on, it’s just a date,” he admonished himself. “Pull yourself together.” Why was he so nervous? He stepped out of the shower and wrapped the fluffy white towel around his waist as he brushed his teeth and shaved.
Pulling on his boxers and jeans he went back into the bedroom barefoot and bare chested to find a shirt. He opened the wardrobe and considered his options. Jack had said smart but not too formal. What did that mean? Shirt or t-shirt?
After several minutes of staring blankly at the wall of clothes he snapped out of it and chose a deep red dress shirt, but wore it without a tie and with the top few buttons undone, showing just a hint of chest hair. Was it too formal? He wondered as he stared at himself in the mirror. He bit his lip and ran a hand through his still damp hair.
Turning back to the chest of drawers he picked up a beaded necklace from the top. Slipping it on, he looked in the mirror once more. Better. It softened the look, made him look more casual, younger. Was that a good idea? Even though nobody would ever guess at Jack’s real age, he still looked a good ten years older than Ianto. They might get some odd looks off people. He tugged at the necklace. Maybe he should be trying to look older, not younger.
“Will you stop it?” he muttered to his sub conscious. It didn’t matter what other people thought. Jack would like it. That’s all that mattered. He left it on.
He pulled on some plain black socks, his shoes were by the front door. Ianto looked at his watch. Fifteen minutes. He left the bedroom and went into the living room. He flicked on the TV to try and catch the news before he left. He couldn’t concentrate. The butterflies in his stomach seemed to be having a party -to which he wasn’t invited. “Just calm down Jones, it’s only a date.” He looked at his watch again. Ten minutes. He needed to calm his nerves, what could he do? Coffee. He’d make coffee. He probably wouldn’t have time to drink much, but just making would calm his nerves. Ianto laughed at himself. Most people used coffee as a pick-me-up, not to relax them!
He went into the kitchen and went through the familiar motions of making a cup of his favourite blend. When the machine had done its thing and delivered a cup of the steaming beverage he picked it up and held it to his face, inhaling the delicious aroma. He noticed with satisfaction that his hands had stopped shaking and he felt a lot less apprehensive. He took a sip, closing his eyes and smiling as the hot liquid warmed his throat.
The doorbell rang.
Ianto glanced at the clock. Seven thirty exactly.
He put his coffee down, took a deep breath and went into the hallway. He bit his lip, wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans and opened the door.
Jack was standing on the other side, looking gorgeous as always, smiling his special just for Ianto smile.
Ianto smiled in return. Date night.
It was going to be alright. In fact it was going to be perfect.