Characters: Cloud Strife, Edea Kramer, Nanaki [NPC], Sephiroth
Status: Complete
Location: Outcropping overlooking old Midgar
Date/Time: 31st July 2948
Summary: The trio arrive at the outcropping after their battle with Aetas, but all's not what it seems for the unlikely three.
Warnings: Plot! Everyone likes plot, right?♥
Down the rabbit hole... plus one. )
Comments 50
Edea felt weak and she could taste the metallic flavor of blood in her mouth, which suddenly felt awkwardly shaped and difficult to move. Had her face been injured as well? She didn't remember that.
The sorceress tried to move her arms to help lift herself from the ground, only to find them flapping uselessly as her sides. Her large gold eyes opened then, flicking around in slight panic, which only increased when she tried to speak and a awful squawking noise replaced her voice.
She is, He murmured while his eyes glanced over towards the struggling bird. Pushing forth his mind, Sephiroth 'I do hope that you have some semblance of intelligence left in that form.'
Tottering on four feet somehow seemed difficult, but he stopped and seated himself next to Sephiroth, leaning over and sniffing the other rabbit. He had the urge to clean his and Sephiroth's fur for some reason, and the inexplainable craving for sweet grasses. He nuzzled the top of his head under Sephiroth's chin as he peered at Edea, reaching his mind out for her at well.
He had heard Sephiroth's rather rude statement towards her and sought to make amends in that regard. The planet turned you into a bird, Edea. You'll be alright once we find help. Yes, find help without opposable thumbs and no access to his PHS to text a message. Maybe if he beat on the keys something would work.
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