You should be happy, 'cause in my case, it's get up early to write code, spend five and a half hours staring at the computer screen, write some code, spend anothe five hours looks at the computer screen, rewrite all code, stay up late to change half the code again.
But, seriously, yay for reflections! When's this due? I saw it on google, but I didn't have a chance to read it yet.
augh. at least you're doing better than me. i had an essay due on monday, worked on it sunday night for like... 30 minutes. got 1/4 of the way through, have been distracted/busy ever since. :P and now i'm wasting even more time on things like facebook and lj. and i really need to be getting to bed. so this essay will be a week late. at least you got your done.
Comments 8
That was my reflection.. it was fail. I will get a G for 'garbage' on it =P
Next up.. BS self-evaluation.
But, seriously, yay for reflections! When's this due? I saw it on google, but I didn't have a chance to read it yet.
I hate essays too, though.
It was due today, but I posted what I handed in if you want to read it anyway.
at least you got your done.
if only how to create essays in under an hour.
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