
Feb 01, 2010 02:33

Characters: Faris, Mjrn, and Tidus
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Memories emerge and leave again
Location: Zanarkand MEMORIA
Date: Bright pink swooshy thing day
Warnings: Odds are... none?

Day One )

tidus, faris scherwiz, mjrn

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dewdrop_pebbles February 1 2010, 07:50:23 UTC
Mjrn had noticed the sky as well, and held much the same attitude about it. Another odd phenomenon of Gaia...and as long as it didn't herald another round of violence and trauma, she didn't mind. There were much greater things to worry about than the shade of the sky above her.

Of course, that was until the pink glow overtook everything. She stumbled a bit as the light faded, then peered around in utter confusion. The area around her was not only not where she had been a moment ago, but completely unfamiliar. The various devices, the decor...all was alien.

Upon hearing the voice, she turned and spotted...what was his name? Wait, hadn't he been the man with the questionable magazine? Yet, he seemed harmless enough, and just as confused. "Zanarkand? You know this place? Why are we here?"


dewdrop_pebbles February 10 2010, 22:50:17 UTC
Just as Mjrn ran back to her sisters to show a new firefly, the vision faded. She nearly stumbled, but managed to catch herself in time. It took her a moment to snap out of the memory and when she turned to them, it was with a certain amount of wistfulness. To be parted from such a content time was not easy.

"To witness again what once is this possible?" She paused, a little uneasy. "Did you see what happened?" Though she held nothing against them, the thought of anyone doing so was a bit intrusive. Still, they had not been able to witness whatever Tidus had earlier.


royalpiracy February 14 2010, 03:41:05 UTC
"Only thing I saw," piped Faris, "was you prancin' around gigglin' your silly head off, and talking to yourself."

Actually, it wasn't too much different from how Tidus had been behaving. Minus the giggling of course. Faris' brows drew together. "Witness what once was, ye say? You mean like, relivin' the past?"

Taking a step toward Mjrn, Faris was about to get the answer to that question in a way she hadn't imagined. The forest around them shifted, lurched even, as the ground became deck, the 'world' turning, and tugging to the side. The ship was caught on the edge of a whirlpool, and those around them were struggling to hold the vessel strong against the pull of the strange tide.

"What's this?" said Faris, marching to the edge of the ship's desk. One hand reaching out, grasping a rope, as she climbed up onto the edge of the wall.

"Aye, get down from there lad, we got 'nough problems without worryin' bout you fallin' overboard!" cried the first mate ( ... )


waterblade February 14 2010, 08:08:31 UTC
At least one of them knew how to behave on a boat, though if they remembered that his own memory had taken place on a boat, that wouldn't be surprising. Tidus gave a "whoa!" in exclamation, grabbing for the railing and automatically shifting his weight to roll with the swell, getting his sea legs back really quickly.

He'd still prefer this to the trees.

And another exclamation as Faris climbed up - an action that normally wouldn't bother him at all, but in the whirlpool and the rocking, and without her being a blitz player or having any sort of breathing gear, was not really a good thing to do. "Hey, come on, get down! You're gonna-"

Too late. "Damnit!" And forgetting briefly that this was a memory, that Mjrn was even there, Tidus went into full water-rescue mode - running across the deck himself and taking a practiced, easy dive over the rail himself, following Faris and determined to yank her back up to the surface before she drowned.


dewdrop_pebbles February 14 2010, 08:34:33 UTC
Mjrn, on the other hand, didn't have sea legs. She lost her footing and quickly tumbled onto the deck, grateful that everyone was too busy to notice her undignified slip. Unsteadily, she reached for and clung to the railing, thoroughly disliking this experience already. She needed firm earth underneath her feet, not this.

She turned her attention to Faris just in time to hear her exclamation and dive into the water. That was startling enough, but when Tidus jumped into it also, Mjrn involuntarily cried out. She could not follow, not when her swimming skills were near-nonexistent.


royalpiracy February 16 2010, 07:12:14 UTC
For a moment, Faris could no longer hear the voices of her pirate comrades, or the sound of the ship creaking as it lurched about in the waves. All that filled her ears was the harsh rushing of water as she kicked her legs and pulled with her arms ( ... )


waterblade February 22 2010, 09:55:37 UTC
Tidus had hit the water not seconds after Faris, but she was almost as strong a swimmer as him and she apparently had a goal. He grabbed for the long hair and missed by inches, determined to get her back up to the surface before she could come to any harm - and then realized, way too late, that this was another memory as she grabbed on to something he couldn't see.

I've done dumber things, but not many...

And then the ...whatever it was was gone, Faris with it as she shot for the surface. Tidus gaped for a moment, then shot down, ricocheting off the sea floor and speeding to the surface again as fast as he could. He broke the surface not too far away from either the ship or Faris, easily treading water in the now-calming sea. What was this place?


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