[Thread, Closed]

Jan 15, 2010 16:04

Characters: Rinoa, Ellone and Laguna
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Rinoa pilots the Garden to Troia, to drop off Ellone with Laguna. He thinks that both girls will be staying with him, but Rinoa has other ideas.
Location: Troia
Date: January 1804, after the Ragnarok has left Garden.
Warnings: None

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rinoa heartilly, ellone loire, laguna loire

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Comments 10

winhillstime January 15 2010, 21:21:11 UTC
Ellone was looking forward to seeing Uncle Laguna, yes, but she didn't like being separated from everyone again. This was just like those seventeen years... except this time she was allowed to speak with them all. She just had to make sure to lock her replies, filter them so Seifer couldn't see. A slight shiver coursed down her back at the thought but she quickly shook it off, looking up at Rinoa as the other girl took her arm.

"Yes. I am," she answered and then laughed. "He probably will be. You know how Uncle Laguna is. He's never on time to anything."

But that was part of the reason she loved him so much. Still smiling a little bit, she glanced out into the crowd as well, looking around to be sure he wasn't actually around.


prez_leg_cramp January 16 2010, 17:11:21 UTC
Oh but Mr. President was actually on time! Well, okay, so he was late by a few minutes. Laguna had given his chocobo to the stable boy when he heard the Garden touch down on the other side of town, once he made sure everyone was all set, he quickly took off for the Garden.

Of course, the Garden wasn't hard to miss.

Laguna weaved through the crowd and spotted the girls, he grinned and ran over. Quickly, he wrapped Ellone in a hug and held her tight, spinning her around. "Oh, it's so good to see you, El," He said.

It had been a long time and every time she was gone, he missed her terribly.


livelyangel January 16 2010, 17:22:00 UTC
It was cute seeing Laguna still treating Ellone like his little girl. In many ways, she was more his daughter than Squall was his son, and it saddened Rinoa a little to think of that.

She watched the pair of them hug, smiling. "It's been a long time, huh?"


winhillstime January 17 2010, 04:00:17 UTC
Ellone grinned the moment she saw Uncle Laguna and moved forward to return the hug. It really had been too long since they'd seen each other and she'd missed him terribly. But here he was with her and she couldn't be happier. Unless, of course, Raine showed up.

She pulled back, looking a little bit more relaxed than she had since she'd arrived here in Gaia and she nodded in Rinoa's direction as she adjusted her sash.

"Yes... it really has been. I'm glad to see you again, Uncle Laguna. How have you been?"


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