[Thread; closed]

Aug 11, 2009 23:21

Characters: Laguna, Ellone
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Daddy's girl has finally arrived!
Location: Treno
Date: April, 1803
Warnings: Laguna!idiocy

Two shakes of a chocobo! )

ellone loire, laguna loire

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Comments 14

winhillstime August 12 2009, 14:19:07 UTC
Ellone had been momentarily distracted when Laguna arrived, as she'd been attempting to keep out of the reach of someone who looked like he was eying her in a rather unsavory way. Whether he was eying her money pouch or looking for something else, she didn't want to find out. So she sidled closer to the guard, keeping an eye on the thief, when that all-too familiar voice rang out close by. Her head whipped around, eyes wide, as she spotted him.

"Uncle Laguna!"

He looked a bit younger than she remembered, but with what Rinoa said about different timelines was true, then this would make sense. Even so, she couldn't squash the hope that Raine would turn up soon as well.

Ellone took a couple of steps forward, tucking a chunk of errant hair behind her ear as she did so, to show Laguna that she was the one who had called out to him.


mangun August 14 2009, 04:45:13 UTC
Laguna whirled at the call of his voice. Ellone! She really was here! But hold up a minute- where was her little girl voice? The sound of pattering feet?

His eyes landed on the young woman in the blue dress. The very same one he'd spotted moments ago. "Elle..?"

Laguna took a step closer, dismissing the guard by stepping away from him.


Was this woman really his little girl? How was this possible?

Although it should have made perfect sense- he had a grown son for Pete's sake!


winhillstime August 18 2009, 14:01:47 UTC
Ellone had been expecting something like this ever since she'd heard about the different time zones thing, but it was still a little weird. Strange to know that back home she'd recently seen Laguna, had told him everything that had happened since he left Winhill... but this Laguna didn't even know that he had left Winhill.

She thought she felt a headache coming on.

But Ellone pushed those thoughts from her head and smiled sadly into that face she adored so much. "It's me, Uncle Laguna. Things have changed a little bit... How have you been, though?"


mangun August 19 2009, 23:05:47 UTC
"Elle-" He continued to stare at her. What was going on? "You've- you've grown. Boy have you ever. And you look- you look like your mother," Laguna added on a softer tone, his eyes roaming her features. Even if Ellone had been adopted by Raine, there were still parts of Raine easily noticeable in the girl.

Laguna would never admit it but he was afraid to touch her. Afraid that something might go wrong.

Oh hell, nothing could go wrong- his Elle was here!

Laguna cleared his throat, straightening. "I've been.. I've been good! I was just going to-" He cut himself off then, waving his hands. "Never mind that! How about you? Tell me, tell me everything!"


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