[ OPEN LOG ] I wanna be the one to walk in the sun

Jun 30, 2010 11:47

Characters: Garnet, Eiko, OPEN TO THOSE IN LINDBLUM!
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Before starting her 'good will tour', Garnet takes a stop in Lindblum to visit Eiko. The girls take some time to hit the town, incognito, for some girl bonding time!
Location: Lindblum (Any District)
Date: June 1804, After the Garden Festival
NOTES: This is an OPEN ( Read more... )

serah farron, delita heiral, cid raines, garnet 'dagger' til alexandros, freya crescent, eiko carol

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Comments 27

::shoves a Cid in their general direction, just because he needs to get more out and about::: animus_concisus June 30 2010, 19:16:48 UTC
Eden was likely a bigger city than this, but at least it seemed to have some sense of organization. Lindblum, in his eyes, was a sprawling mess with side streets leading every which way and no sense of layout whatsoever. Though he had been wandering the city for two weeks, Cid was not very much closer to getting used to navigating its streets than he was when he first arrived.

Judging by the nearby shops, he assumed that he was in the Business District. Maybe. Possibly. What air cab had he ended up taking last?

"I need something to do with all this damned time," he muttered to himself as he looked around, trying to judge his location.


crowned_jewel July 1 2010, 05:33:43 UTC
Dagger had been seeing ghosts for weeks now. Not in the literal sense, but in the way that many of the dead haunted her thoughts, her dreams, and in rare instances, seemed to rise before her very eyes Vivi's appearance had been the only welcome instance. It seemed it would continue today, as she turned down the main street with Eiko, listening to the little girl chatter away.

And then for a moment, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Vayne.

Not Vayne. He was gone, too long now to hope that perhaps Iifa would have spared him. And after more than a second's glance, the stranger bore only a very passing resemblance and only then, if one squinted, or didn't look too hard. Still, it was enough to give her pause, have her staring just a bit too long to be polite. And then, she realized she did recognize the man for himself, At least, she thought she did.

"Excuse me... Mr. Raines, was it?"


animus_concisus July 1 2010, 09:09:30 UTC
Still feeling as lost as ever, Cid did not notice the girl until she spoke. Even then, he couldn't quite put a name to the face... She did look vaguely familiar, but with all the new people he had met, he could not remember exactly which one she was.

"That would be me," he said, nodding his head in greeting. When was the last time he had been called Mr. Raines? Not Commander, not Brigadier General, not General (for short), but a simple Mr.


crowned_jewel July 2 2010, 04:48:01 UTC
"Sorry, I don't mean to be rude. I--" Half way to introducing herself, Dagger remembered, her looks, her place, and the fact that she had introduced herself to this gentleman as Queen Garnet. It wouldn't do for this near-stranger to know that's who stood before him. She didn't know yet if she could trust him. "--I saw you on the network before, and, well, you seem a little lost. Is there something you're looking for?"


lionwarhero July 1 2010, 01:06:24 UTC
Delita had been sitting out amongst the fountain staring at the water cascading. He was meditating on the time spent with Refia. He was having trouble understanding his own reactions to her. Life was much simpler before he had met her, but he couldn't seem to stay away from her.


crowned_jewel July 1 2010, 05:36:41 UTC
The fountains were one of the nicest places to go on a warm summer day such as this one. It was only natural progression that the girls would end up there eventually, perhaps to throw a spare gil in the fountain and make a wish. A silly game, really, gil in fountains didn't make wishes come true, but it was still fun. As they were coming up the cobblestone toward the fountain proper, Dagger fished into her little purse, looking for a single gil to give Eiko. When she looked up again, she took notice of the familiar figure sitting near the fountain, and smiled.

"Delita!" she called out in greeting, waving to him.


lionwarhero July 2 2010, 02:25:07 UTC
Delita snapped out of his revelry at the sound of his name. Recognizing the voice, he turned around ready to bow only to find a woman before him that he barely recognized.

"Lady Tribal?"

The corners of his mouth rose in a tiny smile at the greeting. "I had not expected to meet with you here."


crowned_jewel July 2 2010, 04:44:21 UTC
Dagger stopped abruptly, the most surprised and perplexed look on her face. And then she laughed. Really laughed, because he had just called her Lady Tribal. Although the thought had never occurred to her take Zidane's name (it just wasn't done in Alexandria, especially not when the Royal Name was in play) hearing it in reference to herself was so startling, she couldn't help the laughter.

"No one's ever called me that. It's a good thing Zidane isn't here, I might never hear the end of it," she replied, stepping closer, just assuming Eiko would follow. "Just 'Dagger' is fine though."

Dagger Tribal. She had to admit, that had a nice ring to it.

"I'm here visiting family." It wasn't a lie, exactly -- a stretch, maybe, but it was also a good cover when she was trying to keep a low profile. "What're you doing out here? I didn't know you were in Lindblum."


Hope no one minds if I toss in Freya. I need to do more with her. destinyfollowed July 1 2010, 04:08:23 UTC
Freya had grown restless somewhere between her arrival and the things that had happened after that. She had taken to exploring and patrolling the various locations around her, until she had gained a rudimentary idea of what she'd fallen into.

The merging of the worlds had just been an abstract thought to her, until she'd embarked on her explorations. In any case, it was no longer just a thought; it was real.

She had a lot on her mind, and so she retreated to Lindblum. After Burmecia, it was a place that she was quite fond of. So there she sat, on a flight of stairs that led up to one of the many shops in the area, running her hands over the handle of her spear, still lost in thought.


That's what this post is here for! : D crowned_jewel July 1 2010, 07:01:04 UTC
Even though Dagger knew that Freya had surfaced again, there hadn't been an opportunity to see her yet. In fact, Dagger had been clinging to the idea that Freya had simply wandered off again, and was out of touch. It wasn't until she hadn't shown up for the wedding that she'd really begun to accept that Freya had been among the victims of disappearance. So, when she'd resurfaced on the network, it had been a relief.

Still, she hadn't expected to see her on the streets of Lindblum. Even with the sky people, and Gaia's diverse population, A Burmecian in Lindblum could stand out like a sore thumb.

"Freya? Hey! Freya!" Dagger called out from across the way.


destinyfollowed July 2 2010, 05:48:24 UTC
Freya's long ears twitched slightly as someone called her name. Looking up from where her focused gaze fell, she saw the princess - the queen, now - a short distance away, calling to her. Getting to her feet, she called back, "Hello, Dagger, it's good to see you."

It felt like it had been a long time since she'd seen the young woman, and so seeing her now felt very pleasant indeed. Granted, she was not as close to her as she was to Zidane, for instance, but that did not mean that she did not regard her as a friend. "What are you doing here? I expected to find you in Alexandria, and not Lindblum," she said, trying to sound more surprised than accusatory. After all, Dagger was free to go where she wished; Freya was simply curious as to what business brought her here.


crowned_jewel July 3 2010, 08:34:50 UTC
True, Freya and Dagger had never been the closest members of their party, but there was a certain bond shared between comrades. As it wasn't, she took no offense to Freya's question.

"I'm here visiting Eiko," she said with a smile. "We haven't had a chance to really spend any time together... and I've been planning on taking a trip, to visit all these new places. I figured, I might as well stop through Lindblum, first."


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crowned_jewel July 3 2010, 08:31:51 UTC
Dagger was always in the market for new accessories -- not the gaudy type, of course, but something she could actually use. She never seemed to find anything better than what she already had, but it didn't stop her from looking. At a glance, she saw the girl with the bag of goods, handling the trinket.

"...Are you a white mage?" she asked, glancing at the object. It wouldn't do her much good if she wasn't.


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crowned_jewel July 4 2010, 07:03:00 UTC
Dagger nodded. "It's one thing... It won't do you much good if you're not a white mage, because it teaches it's bearer 'reflect'." she had one of those back home, collecting dust. She glanced up at Serah then, and smiled.

"So, you don't know which class you are? There are some people in the armor and weapons shops that are pretty good about figuring that kind of thing out."


tl;dr, BAWW VIVI morehatthanmage July 3 2010, 20:18:26 UTC
Vivi wandered through the business district. He'd stayed in Lindblum when all the other children were taken home. It was...less uncomfortable than he'd expected. The repairs were wonderful, it was impossible to tell from looking what had happenned here. But there were still occasional accusing looks and whipers that weren't as quiet as the whiperers seemed to think they were and for all the people who had managed to put everything behind them there were still just as many people who remembered where every last scorch mark had been and weren't going to forget any time soon ( ... )


;_: Viviiii~ crowned_jewel July 4 2010, 18:54:08 UTC
On some level, Dagger knew that Vivi was in Lindblum, though she hadn't seen him. She had to remind herself that, while Vivi was a child, that normal concepts of children didn't always apply to the little black mage. Most of his kin lived no more than a few years, with the exception of his own children. So, she tried not to let it bother her that Vivi was off somewhere on his own, because he was completely capable of handling himself. At least, if he ran into a monster, he could blast it with fire. People were another thing all together.

And then, as they rounded the corner, there he was, face-down on the cobblestone.

"Vivi? Are you okay?" They either had very goo timing, or very bad timing, to see him in this all-too-common but likely still-embarrassing situation. Quietly, Dagger advanced, and squatted down in front of him.


morehatthanmage July 4 2010, 22:36:09 UTC
"-Dagger?" Vivi looked up from his stumbling back up. He couldn't see much, his hat had fallen forward and the brim of it was obscuring about four fifths of his feild of vision, but he'd recognise the princess' voice anywhere.

The queen's voice, he reminded himself sternly. She'd been queen for a long time now and it had happenned while he was there so really he had no excuse but old habits still died hard. She'd probably never really manage to be Queen Garnet to Vivi. Just 'Dagger' or 'Princess' (in all capital letters with too many exclaimation points following it and accompanied by the sound of plates of metal armour hitting each other). And despite his efforts to adress her properly (and he was making efforts, they just weren't paying off) he sort of preferred it that way. He didn't really want to have to refer to a friend so impersonally ( ... )


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