Characters: Vaan, Mjrn, and Penelo (closed to start, maybe open to others later)
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Penelo asked Mjrn to go and pick up Vaan from Guadosalam, after doing so, this is their arrival in Figaro.
Location: Guadosalam >> Figaro
Date: June 25th, 1804
Warnings: None?
what about soldier battle scars? )
Comments 26
She glanced over to Vaan and smiled while answering his question. While it was strange to see him again -and a little sad that he didn't remember anything of his last visits- she was pleased to see him again. Friendships could be renewed, could they not? There was a brief nod. "Aye. This is Figaro. It reminds me a little of Dalmasca. Penelo, too. That is why she wanted to settle here."
And she momentarily fell silent while guiding the airship to the docks, landing smoothly. While Mjrn was never that fond of flying, the past several months had granted her some competence in the air. Once the airship was secure, she stood and stretched. "Let us rejoin Penelo, then." She gestured for him to go ahead, and she followed.
"All I can see is the sand. Maybe there's more to it than that." Vaan would find out for himself in due time. He might not have remembered but he would try his best to make right the things he had missed out on and the others he should have remembered but couldn't.
"Nice landing," he complimented with a grin. Second to stand, he brushed past her at her instruction, headed for the exit. In no time at all, he was walking through it and down the steps into the hangar. "When's the last time you two saw each other?" He asked casually, meaning no harm, purely conversational.
Not that she wasn't thrilled to see Mjrn as well, because she was, but with him having been missing again for so long...
Without waiting for a response, she ran up and flung herself at Vaan for a tight hug.
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