Anywhere But Cardiff ficathon - posting opens

Aug 13, 2007 16:01

Happy summer, all! (For those of you not drowned in rain, at least.) Being the 13th of August today, it is officially the opening of posting for the ficathon. If you have already finished yours, you may go ahead and post. There is an "anywhere but cardifff" tag you may use when posting, which will make it easier for others to read back :)

If you're not quite done, don't worry; posting will remain open until August 31st, after which a masterlist will be posted. If you're feeling very helpful, the mods would love it if you posted a link to your fic in this post to make it easier for us.

We do encourage readers to leave a little feedback to the writers - it can not only be helpful for the future, but a nice gesture of appreciation for those who've put much time into fics for you to enjoy.

And as always, the mods can be reached at our Page-A-Mod service if you have questions, concerns or anything else you wish to alert or discuss with the mods.

Happy posting - and hope all the fic will be enjoyed!

mod posts, anywhere but cardiff

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