(no subject)

Jul 24, 2006 21:40

Title: Hell On Both Earths (2/?)
Rating: 13 + (swear words and references to sex in this chapter)
Characters: Rose Tyler, Sarah-Jane Smith, Tenth Doctor, Jackie Tyler, Mickey Smith, Pete Tyler, and possibly a few OCs if story is continued
Notes: What if it ended differently? Spoilers for Doomsday (and most of Series 2, probably). Thank you so much for the response to part one, guys! I am quite worried about the characterisation of this, so let me know if and where I'm going wrong.

Part One

The list of the missing, completed and finalised, had been in national publication for days. Names and ages and locations and photographs appeared in the newspapers - the tabloids and the broadsheets, even in the free ones on the buses, and the local papers - and it wasn't long before many people began to realise that the missing were most likely never to return. The sad truth was that they were probably all dead.

What was puzzling though, what confused the authorities, the police and the search teams and the army and this and that, was that there were hardly any bodies. Nothing to account for the huge number of the missing. A few here and a few there, in London only (which was extraordinary in itself), but that was all.

The rest just seemed to...vanish, off the face of the Earth.


He'd been standing there for hours, waiting. Hoping she would come running from around the corner any second. She would. He knew she would. She wouldn't leave him alone. She wouldn't leave the Doctor all on his own. He sighed, resting against the wall nearby; she'd probably be angry with him, knowing her, for leaving her. She'd probably hit his arm, or slap him across the face, something he hoped definitely would not happen (she was her mother's daughter, in any case, and that had to count for something). But at least she'd be there, and she'd probably hug him anyway after, take his hand, and they'd walk off in the direction of the TARDIS, excited about whatever was heading their way, what new planets to explore.

Wait a minute.


He frowned. Where on Earth was it?

And where the hell was Rose?


"Looks like she's on our side! It's all in English!"

Sarah-Jane grinned. They'd been in one of the (many) libraries for what felt like hours now, searching through books and papers and journals for anything that would help. Notes on geography, history, physics, chemistry, computers...anything. Rose laughed as she held up a book. "Hey, why on Earth would he have a copy of the Kama Sutra?"

"He what?!" Sarah-Jane made a beeline for the book. Rose shook her head. "All this time, and he never once told me."

"Perhaps he was embarrassed?"

"Or, maybe, he was doing 'research'."

Sarah-Jane laughed, and chucked the book to Rose. "Didn't he know that the best sort of research is out there in the field?"

"Sarah-Jane!" Rose looked at her, shocked. She beamed. "Ah, but, do you mean literally, or -"

"Oh, metaphorically, definitely," Sarah-Jane grinned. "After all, what would I know about -"

"Oh, I don't know. Back in the day, maybe!"

"Hey, I'm not that old!" she laughed. Watching as Rose placed the book on top of a pile (they'd marked it, mentally, with "Literary Porn", and were rather surprised to find that there were too many books for just the one shelf), she smiled, catching Rose's eye. "What?"


"No, what?"

She sighed, and grinned. "It's just...it's good to see you smiling again."

"It's good to have something to smile about."

Sarah-Jane cocked her head. "How're you doing, though? Really?"

Rose shrugged her shoulders, concentrating on the selection of books in front of her, sorting through each one according to the pile she felt they belonged to ("Literary Porn" seemed to gain an extra five). She smiled, still focusing on the task in hand. "I'm good, y'know. Getting there."




The reality of it all was shit, to be honest. Total and utter shit. Rose was gone. Jackie was devastated. Pete was trying to figure out how to comfort Jackie best in all of this (too many times they'd argued, after she screamed and shouted at him to leave her alone, because he wasn't her husband and "he never could be" and he shouldn't be trying to replace "her" Pete). He'd stuck by her though. Told her she needed him whether she wanted to admit it or not, and that he didn't care how bloody stubborn she was - she needed him, and that was that.

But it wasn't. Not really.

After all, there was still the Doctor to deal with.

He was worse, now. Mad. Madder than before, even, if that had ever been possible, something Mickey used to think to himself could never happen.

He wasn't the Doctor, not anymore. Not the Doctor he knew, anyway. Not the Doctor he'd met long ago, the strange man in a leather jacket who harped on about how "fantastic" everything was. Not the Doctor who defended the Earth against an Queen tribute band (because, Mickey thought, really, that's all they were. The video of the Sycorax announcement had been broadcast again Christmas evening, on the national news, and if he was honest, that was the very first thing that came into his head). He certainly wasn't the same Doctor who threatened to send all of the Daleks and all of the Cybermen to Hell.

Mickey sighed. Perhaps he really wasn't the Doctor.

Perhaps, without the TARDIS, he couldn't be.

Just who was the Doctor, anyway? What was it? A title, passed down or given? Something you received the moment you passed your TARDIS driving test? Mickey knew he wasn't a medical doctor as such. In fact, he probably wasn't even a doctor of anything. He was just...the Doctor. What did it all mean though?

Was the Doctor always "the Doctor"? Perhaps he was only "the Doctor" since he began travelling in the TARDIS, because with the TARDIS he could do all of the things that made him known as "the Doctor".

Mickey frowned. Whatever it was, right now it wasn't important. Not as important as other things, anyway. Like actually finding him.

He'd been missing for hours now. Mumbled something about "going for a walk" and "sightseeing", and hadn't returned since.

And, with Pete trying to console Jackie and Jackie trying to push Pete away, Mickey was dismayed to find that he might be the only one who cared.


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