Title: And Dismantle the Sun Author: icebluenothing Rating: G Spoilers: Set after Series Two; spoilers through Doomsday Summary: Can Rose adjust to normal life when her life had been anything but normal?
I wonder, if he regenerates, will he look like the 9th and wear the suit instead? Would you consider continuing? Would love to know his reaction... hell, would love to see the whole first season altered really. Well, not all the episodes mind, and I'm sure they wouldn't have the same endings, but really, you wrote a fantastic piece, and should continue it... please continue it? *offers cookies as bribe*
Beautiful. I've had a similar story kicking 'round in my brain since Saturday, and you did it a billion times better. Added to my memories, thank you :)
*squishes you* Oh! Going to Sarah Jane! Meeting the parallel!Doctor! Hell, even Mickey/Jake! I loved the mood throughout, and how you changed the "turn if the earth" speech like you did at the end. *adores*
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