Title: The Eternal Adventure - 9/?
kelkat9 Pairing: TenII/Rose
Rating: PG
Summary: Sequel to The Adventure Found Them. Life for Rose and TenII was never going to be easy, especially with Eternals in hot pursuit of them and all they hold dear. Maybe with a little luck and with the help of their clever and loyal friends, they may just survive.
Disclaimer: Nope, don't own Doctor Who or anything in the Whoverse
a/n: MST - multispacial transducer - transporter and much tinkered with gadget that does amazing things. Abbie the alien estate agent - mentioned in my first fic who was swept away by a bounty hunter. Oh yes there is an anagram in this fic. Next chapter was a hoot to write and has our happy couple leaving Earth for their first task
"Think about it Rose, there's a whole universe here that neither of us have seen!"
http://kelkat9.livejournal.com/49856.html Title: The Eternal Adventure - 10/?
kelkat9 Pairing: TenII/Rose
Rating: PG
Summary: Sequel to The Adventure Found Them. Life for Rose and TenII was never going to be easy, especially with Eternals in hot pursuit of them and all they hold dear. Maybe with a little luck and with the help of their clever and loyal friends, they may just survive.
Disclaimer: Nope, don't own Doctor Who or anything in the Whoverse
a/n: Hello lovely readers! Here be fluffiness with a touch of traveling the universe. Feel free to let me know your thoughts and ideas or what you think about the 12 Labors ahead of them. Remeber TCB means Temporal Creature Below - our lovely Tardis creature residing beneath the Manor
"So we're heading to the dark and mysterious spot where people are gettin eaten?" Rose asked, bouncing a bit next to him and getting a bit excited at the thought of adventure on a strange planet.