Grrrr II: Adventures in Pharmaland

Apr 03, 2012 23:35

When I was told last night that I couldn't have my medicine, because, you know, allergies are dangerous and all, the pharmacist assured me that she would make sure the doctor was faxed first thing in the morning so that they could get me eyedrops that wouldn't end up putting me in the hospital. Since there was nothing I could do, and I had already ( Read more... )

real life

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Comments 8

creamy_amande April 4 2012, 13:00:48 UTC
Oh dear L, you really had a terrible day again!
You're alive but the pain and the frustrations of facing first, incompetent people, then, technology problems, then again more incompetent (same) people...
Plus, just being the one making your workplace short on staff makes one bitter and not at ease, I get that. Well, in my line of work, people get fake sick everyday but me, my conscience wouldn't leave me alone if I do.
Anyways, I hope that the eyedrops are good for you in the end although I doubt it. At least your boss is comprehensive.

What a horrible 2days!


tilmon April 4 2012, 16:31:55 UTC
I've definitely had better days. Had worse ones, too. If it wasn't that these are my eyes we're talking about and I sort of badly need them, I wouldn't have been concerned. But...eyes!!! They aren't actually replaceable.

I am willing to cut the doctor's office some slack. If they were shorthanded, it might mean that someone who doesn't normally do that particular task was having to do it. There are always problems in any office when that happens. but why the doctor didn't know about the contraindication in the first place concerns me. In this day and age, can't they plug in a patient's allergies and run it against the drug ingredient list? If not, why isn't someone making a program that does that?

My eyes are still hurting today, but I think it isn't as bad. I wonder if I will make it through the workday.


makichan5 April 4 2012, 19:43:26 UTC
Eh? That's strange.
In France, we are antibiotic eyedrops/ointments with other antibiotic than ones from Aminoglycoside group (neomycin is from this group). I can't believe you don't have some of them in USA 0__0
Take care!!! At least, the pharmacy staff is vigilent!


tilmon April 5 2012, 05:29:53 UTC
Apparently, Frida tells me, we have them. Why I wasn't prescribed them, I have no idea. I'm getting a little better each day, so I'm hoping my body is fighting off this whatever it is. Not sure if the new drops are helping or just coincidental, since my time between horrible eye pain episodes had already begun to lengthen.

Oh, because of this, I'm delayed in getting my cards in the mail. But I should be able to get them sent tomorrow. Whew. What an ordeal this has been!


makichan5 April 5 2012, 23:05:47 UTC
I hope you'll be better the soonest possible!!!

Don't worry. I'm sure I'll receive it in time ^_^


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tilmon April 5 2012, 05:24:45 UTC
Really, a regular optometrist, not even an opthamologist? This is good to know, since they keep weekend hours. If this happens again, or doesn't clear up by the end of the week, I'll know what to do.

I generally like my doctor, but this was ridiculous. Maybe I should send a letter asking how it was possible that he prescribed something I'm allergic to, and what he is doing so that it doesn't happen again. What do you think?


gothickangel92 April 6 2012, 13:41:51 UTC
Seriously not the best of days for you -_-" At least your boss is understanding :0 How are the reeeealy expensive (like seriously expensive O_O) drops working? Hope you get better soon ^-^


tilmon April 6 2012, 14:05:25 UTC
They sting! XD So even if they aren't antibiotics, they are killing something.

I guess they are working OK. My eyes are still uncomfortable and my eyelids feel dry and scratchy, but at least the swelling has gone down and I'm less light sensitive.


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