I unintentionally wound up watching two Bryan Singer/Kevin Spacey movies back to back tonight.
As for The Usual Suspect - aww man that was the biggest movie letdown so far this year! Great actors, fun buildup, but when I figured out the Great Twist of All Time halfway through the movie I just kept thinking how damn full of itself this movie is. People have always told how this is the greatest movie plot ever created and that was it?! Dude...
And I finally got around to seeing Superman Returns which by all rights should have been titled Luthor Returns because Spacey stole the movie! I spent most of the film going "yeah yeah Clark angsts, Lois angsts, let's watch Luthor being eeeeevil!" That's the sort of Lex Luthor who would steal forty cakes (that's as much as four tens!). Excellent.
But I just don't get Superman. In any medium. So he's strong, he can fly, he's a good guy - is there anything more to him? Does he have a personality?
And am I wrong in believing he only saves people when he feels like it? Do you mean to tell me that when he's working at the Daily Planet or sulking at the Fortress of Solitude, macking on Lois, visiting the farm - does no crimes happen at all? All around the world? Imagine your bitterness if your parents got gunned down Batman-style and Superman didn't come because he was writing an article on spring fashions.
Also that major spoilery plot twist to Superman Returns?
So Clark successfully impregnated Lois.
I know I'm overthinking this like whoa, but indulge my fevered mind.
Our man Kal-El is an alien. From outer space. He seriously lucked out on the whole having two arms; two legs; one head-deal. The fact that he apparantly has matching reproductive organs is like winning the State lottery (during the movie the thought that Superman had a penis like a
Argentinian lake duck entered my mind and I'm never going to get that horrible mental picture out of my mind), but even his Supersperm is compatible with a human female's egg! That's some mindblowing statistics right there.
Also he's super-evolved compared to humans. You know, like humans compared to... I don't know, gibbons. That's some twisted shit man.
I'm fairly certain ponderings like these means I should go to bed immediately. Thanks for listening folks, I'll be here all week.
And Frank Langella, I remember when you were dark and slim and sexy! Aw that damn aging thing...