Title: Love knows no boundaries...
tikibuddy91Characters: Kyungsoo (D.O), Baekhyun, Jonghyun, Miyoung (Tiffany), Taeyeon, Chanyeol (with mentions of Minho, Taemin, Kibum (Key), Jinki, Jongin and Sehun)
Word Count: 3900
Rating: G
Genre: College, AU, crossover
Summary: Four guys have an unique condition. Most of them are college students...You can consider
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Comments 6
They're like see no evil (Jongdae), Hear no evil (Daehyun and Kyungsoo) and Speak no evil (Tao). I feel really bad for Tao so far though =(. Hope he can talk again (lol this isn't even Tao's chapter).
oh dude, I know right?? XD I was actually going for like the three common physical disabilities, and then I remembered Jackie Chan Adventures (LOL i'm so old) with that one episode of the three monkeys and the whoel see/hear/speak no evil shebang.
I knowww D: I gave Tao the worst background experience ever, but that's the best I could come up with (based on research) that could make him end up mute and not be born mute. Plus, there was a reason why I had done the chapters first before making the backgrounds. For Zitao, because I wanted to associate the Chinese with their philosophy of meditation (tai chi, buddhism, whatnot), I wanted to give Zitao a purpose behind the meditation and the suppression of extreme emotions, as well as to give him the courage to try and see past the horrifying trauma he suffered.
i guess that makes me old too. i loved that show (especially Jade. she was kickass). I always remember random scenes from that show. I don't remember what happened in the episode but whenever the three monkeys are mentioned or there's like a deaf/blind/mute person i always think about them XD (...and Helen Keller)
yeah I get where you were going with Tao but omg. his was the saddest and even though initially started reading for Yixing and Jongdae, I'm reading it for Tao now too. and pretty much everyone else in this.
Also can't wait for Kyungsoo and Daehyun to meet up again.
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