Title: Love Knows No Boundaries...
tikibuddy91Pairings: TaoRis, LayChen, SuDoKai, DaeJong
Word Count: ~400
Rating: G
Summary: Most of them are college students...You can consider them to be unique...They just feel out of place. Some call it a disability. Some call it an ability to prove people wrong. Flirtations lead to relationships, between two parties of people that you could not possibly dream of.
(A/N: There may be possible multi-band crossovers but they're not as important as the people listed above. Definitely, there will be interactions between BAP and EXO members throughout the story in later chapters.)
Cars are rushing by the café window, motors humming in frantic pace…
Chatter and the cheering from people fill his ears, but no sound is clearer to him than the person sitting opposite him, telling him of a surprise…
“Zhongda…here you go…the second part of the surprise.”
Such orderliness and cleanliness of his writings…yet all over the place....
His hands are calmly brushing on the paper, searching for a place to start, before he detects an uneven pattern. He makes them out to be bumps upon the crisp, clean paper.
He gazes into space, and tears form once again in his misty eyes as he understands the words of lovers expressed time and time again:
“I love you.”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Everything is in motion…
The birds are flying overhead, the trees are swaying, people are walking around…
Some people catch what is going on, and mouth noiselessly to others as they look on with mixed reactions of endearment and disgust…
Timid hands making gestures, a shy smile does not go unnoticed…
Eyes, though small, speak for themselves, such determination to succeed without help…
Vivid colors that appeals to his eyes…
He takes everything in his sight…smiling with joy at what he sees in front of him…
A cool breeze is blowing on his face…
Grass is whistling in the wind…
Arms surrounding his body, he feels safe and comforted, sitting between the legs of his friend…
“Zitao, look at me”
He turns his head, resting on the other’s shoulder...looking at the other with a solemn look…
Hands intertwining and he sees that there is something in the other person’s eyes…
A small smile slowly appears on the other person’s face…
“I feel exactly the same way you do”
A slight squeeze in their connected hands and the other raises their hands to brush his lips against his declared love’s knuckles.
Shocked expression turns into happiness…disbelief turns into relief…
It is just the three of them…right here in this room...
The vibration of a heartbeat in his chest…
Two mysterious hands reaching for him…
A gentle and assertive touch…A young and innocent touch…
Such a sensation to feel this way, this extreme happiness and exhilaration...Surely it must happen in fairy tales…