More on the MSN/Multiply experiment.

Oct 24, 2008 13:17

ETA 7/24/12 Locking this to comments as it's been the target of an annoying spammer.

In order to see what I'd end up with if I migrated my sites to Multiply, I migrated the background site for Tracy Island IR. That way I only had a few people getting a "Hey, we've moved to Multiply!" notice, and most of them would be me (in my various incarnations).

Before I migrated, I set up three more message boards, putting one or two new topics on them. No replies, just the OP. I also set up two custom pages - one with the HTML from IR Central's homepage, and one with the HTML from Tracy Island IR's homepage. Tracy Island Awards doesn't have a homepage, and nothing much on the welcome page either. If you can't see the IR Central homepage, look here and here for screencaps.

So, what happened?

All of the messageboard posts AND the custom pages ended up in the blog. Yup, the two homepages and all their HTML ended up as BLOG pages. The pictures seemed okay; the properties listed a Multiply address, so maybe they've come up with an uploader that works automatically with the migration. That would be nice. The photos weren't in separate albums, so I couldn't check on that. All animations showed clearly.

Just to see what would happen, I copied the HTML from IR Central's homepage and pasted it into the welcome page of the Multiply site. This is the result. If you can't see the page (not being a member of Multiply or something), I have screencaps:

Middle 1 (yes, there was this much space and more between sections)
Middle 2
Middle 3

Part of the problem, too, is that if I want the black background, I can have it, but I have to give all the modules that black background. And there's no way to create new custom pages, or to create different blogs to use as messageboards.

All in all, I'm not happy with Multiply. It's not going to be as flexible as MSN Groups as far as creativity is concerned. And that's a shame.

ETA: When I first went to Tracy Island Awards to create my link, I was confronted with a honking big "We've moved!" sign.  The only thing I can say about that is: at least it can be edited.

ir central, msn, websites, tracy island ir

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