Notes from the vacation

Aug 17, 2008 15:46

Ah, home sweet home! There's nothing like it after a week of vacation, even as good a vacation as this one turned out to be.

The vacation turned out to be more of a huge family reunion. The Hubby's two younger brothers were there, with their wives and families, as well as my late SIL's husband, his new wife, and all of their children (8 in all!). ( Read more... )

family, vacation

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Comments 2

grumpymagrat August 17 2008, 20:38:50 UTC
Sounds like you had a great time...tiring but fun, right?

Glad you got a chance to meet Amanda Tracy. Maybe if you come through this way again we'll get a chance to meet.

It's always a mess around Detroit. I swear they always find something to tear up on I-75, especially in that area. Makes trying to get to the airport real fun.


tikatu August 17 2008, 21:06:53 UTC
Yeah, I was kinda sad that we couldn't figure out a way to meet up on the return trip. Maybe next time.

And I had started compiling a "best/worst" list in my head about the vacation. The best (at least to the kids) was the canoe trips. The worst, by general acclaim, was the off-ramp from I-94 to I-275 (I think I have that right - it was part of the detour). I have never before encountered such a bad piece of macadam as that. I could have sworn we'd lose our suspension on it! Yikes!

And Amanda was a blast!


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