"May you live in interesting times..."

Mar 17, 2008 23:29

I guess I'm living in them.

It's been an interesting past few days. We got the notice over the weekend that Boy #1 has been invited to go to the Arts Awakening weekend again. It'll be over his dad's birthday, but that's okay. We'll celebrate at some other point. The weekend camp is sp onsored by the YMCA for the public schools, is by invitation only ( Read more... )

family, lacey, drabble, fanlib, wildlife, writing, fanfiction

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Comments 2

grumpymagrat March 18 2008, 10:41:12 UTC
Congratulations Boy #1. What an honor.

Thought it might have been a 'coon when I saw the picture. Way to go Lacey.

I was so excited when I saw you made the carousel. YAY! But I was so pissed that you didn't win the constest. You deserved it.


tikatu March 18 2008, 17:03:52 UTC
Thanks, grumpy! I'll admit I was disappointed that I didn't win, but happy that Quiller did. Got to get Thunderbirds out there somehow, right? I did tie for first in another contest, though.

Looking forward to seeing what my son brings home from art camp this time. Last year, he had a picture entered into a juried art show, and took second place! But what he brought home! Carnivorous trees, and monkeys with goggles... all done in reds, blacks and whites! Wish this had been available to my daughter when she was his age, but she only had one year in the public middle school. She's doing well in her HS art program, though.

Hope you're doing better yourself! And thanks for voting for me!


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