Baby, it's COLD outside!

Feb 04, 2009 10:28

Now, I know after reading this, you Northerners will say, "Pfffft! That's nothing!" but for the South, this is something!

When I started writing this, the temperature was at 19°F with a wind chill factor bringing the temperature down to 6° F. For my European friends, that's -7°C, with a wind chill factor of -14°C.

Yeah. 6°.

That's bitterly cold down ( Read more... )

hubby, weather

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Comments 1

ellieet February 4 2009, 23:47:34 UTC
Well, certainly sounds cold!

I'm really excited about the new Thunderbirds website! And Grandpa's Hat was sweet, you deserve that praise. I've really got to update my own fan history page; in fact I might do it right now!


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