Откуда у парня испанская грусть?

Aug 21, 2017 12:30

Трейлер-парк в Пенсильвании (городок Derry с населением 2,688). Жена снаряжает командира антиправительственной милиции, который отправляется в Шарлоттсвилл в Виргинии, чтобы обеспечить вооруженную охрану митингу нацистов у памятника генералу Ли.


Откуда в северном штате Пенсильвания озабоченность защитой героев Конфедерации? Некоторый свет проливает писатель Dave Eggers, который проехал по Пенсильвании незадолго до выборов

A month before the election, I’d driven from Pittsburgh to the Philadelphia suburbs and saw nothing but Trump/Pence signs. In three days I covered about 1,200 miles of back roads and highway - some of the prettiest country you can find on this continent - and saw not one sign, large or small, in support of Clinton. The only time any mention of her was made at all was on an enormous billboard bearing her face with a Pinocchio nose.
I did see Confederate flags. James Carville, the political strategist, recently quipped that Pennsylvania is Pittsburgh and Philadelphia with Alabama in between, and there is some truth to that. There are a lot of men in camouflage jackets. There are a lot of men out of work. When you stop at gas stations, the magazine sections are overwhelmed by periodicals devoted to guns, hunting and survival.

После выборов он проехал по этой дороге снова.

I left the memorial and turned on to a two-lane road, part of the Lincoln Highway that runs through the state -part of the first coast-to-coast highway in the United States. Just beyond a sign advertising home-grown sweetcorn, there was a residential home, the first house anyone might encounter when leaving the United Memorial, and on this home, there is a vast Confederate flag draped over the front porch.
It’s important to note that this was the Lincoln Highway. And that the civil war ended 160 years ago. And that Pennsylvania was not a state in the Confederacy. So to see this, an enormous Confederate flag in a Union state, a mile from a symbol of national tragedy and shared sacrifice, was an indicator that there was something very unusual in the mood of the country. Ancient hatreds had resurfaced. Strange alliances had been formed. None of the old rules applied.

Фотография сделана в 2013 в трейлер-парке городка Spring City в Пенсильвании (население 3,323).

What’s behind the popularity of the flag in the North? Is it the dark underbelly of the rapidly growing country-music scene? Disapproval of the president? An innocent revival of the rebel spirit among Yankees who don’t know - or care - what it means to the rest of society? Or something more sinister?

Похоже, что у трампистов появился свой аналог "георгиевской ленточки".

Что касается Пенсильвании, она в впервые с 1988 года поддержала республиканского кандидата в президенты. Накануне выборов Хиллари Клинтон проводила там (в Филадельфии) большой митинг с участием Обамы и звезд вроде Брюса Спрингстина. Из речи Мишель Обамы: "We deserve a leader who sees our diversity not as a threat, but as a blessing." Из речи Барака Обамы: "I’m betting that America will reject a politics of resentment and a politics of blame. I’m betting that tomorrow, you will reject fear, and you will choose hope. I’m betting that the wisdom, decency and generosity of the American people will once again win the day-and that’s a bet I’ve never, ever lost."

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