Title: In This (White) House (Frat!verse AU; Brendon/Cash Edition)
Author: tigs
Characters/Pairing: Established Brendon/Cash, Ryan, Jon, Haley, others.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Don't know or own.
Summary: As a junior, Brendon would like to believe he's too old and mature for such plotting, but he'd be totally lying if he didn't admit to leaning
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Comments 15
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I'm actually not quite sure where the Brendon as president idea came from, but--as happens with so much of this 'verse--suddenly it was in my brain and I was going, yes, that is absolutely the way it happens! And Ryan wouldn't want to worry, but Brendon got him thinking, so he had to just go make *sure* that everything would be okay for himself.
I'm really glad you're still enjoying the story! Thanks again for the comment!
Thanks again for the comment! And I hope you keep enjoying!
Spencer and world domination, yis plez.
You've got this year's freshman following you around like fucking *ducklings*. I love the idea of the noobs following Bden around, looking up to him.
Well, it might not be the best thing for his house.
And that, in Brendon's opinion, is unacceptable.That's why Brendon will be a fantastic President. He's always thinking what's best for his house. His brothers before others. Love that boy ( ... )
Yes! I do watch Greek! I haven't seen all of them, but I've seen quite a few, and I love it. So much fun.
I know it's not like this, in r/l, having people being so tolerant, but it's nice to see what it would be like if it were.
We can always hope it will be some day! Brendon's boys are obviously totally cool with everything, but I wanted to have at least a little bit of angst, with him not sure how others will react. But I also wanted Trent to show everyone exactly who's side he was on. And because this verse is a total happy place for me, I had to have it all turn out okay. :)
Thanks again for all of your comments!
I read the version you sent me last night when I got home. This whole 'verse is full of super-awesome nostalgia. The ridiculous class caucus system with slates, and leaving the room, and that random room with a pool table that all Greek houses seem to have. I think my absolute favorite thing ever is when they talk about which classes get stuck in which rooms, and the strategies for getting a couch all to yourself. Seniors get the best room in the house, of course. The plotting and the planning and the politicing isn't nearly as exciting or fun when you're actually in the middle of it, but I love the secret sophomore meeting with the Alexes. And I will never get over how much I love love love hearing them call each other "Big" and "Little."
So I'm pretty much writing what I know here, and calling each other "Big" and "Little" was also a big thing in my house. Not for me and my big? But my little and I totally called each other that for three years. And I think my grand-little called me grand-big, too. We were a big nickname house, actually.
And yay! As always, glad you're still enjoying the 'verse. Thanks for letting me talk bits and pieces of it out with you!
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