Title: masks
Fandom: Supernatural/Marvel movies
Warnings: pre-Avengers; anytime post season 5 Supernatural
Pairings: Natasha Romanova/Meg the demon
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 310
Point of view: third
Prompt: Supernatural / Avengers Movie, Meg /& Natasha, “See you soon, baby. Hell is waiting for you.”
Sometimes Natasha goes out to people watch. )
Comments 5
Little Red Riding Hood is so chilling. *impressed* :)
Gibbs, Gibbs... you should've dared, pride be damned *sigh*
*awww* David, I'm glad that that was just a nightmare. O.o
Finally, indeed 8D <3<3
Thank you for always reading and commenting. Sometimes, I really really need it.
About the NCIS drabble, when I posted it to A03, NO ONE got the intended meaning. It was so frustrating. You did, though! Oh, I'm so glad to see that.
If I like something here and in other LJ fic places, I always comment. :) *hugs*
(I don't have any fandom-appropriate icons, but please accept this tangential attempt, the closest I can come to a Kings icon)
Thank you for reading!
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