comment_fic 241-245: X-Men and Supernatural

Sep 11, 2010 20:21

Title: phoenix arising
Fandom: X-Men movieverse
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: movieverse
Pairings: implied John/Bobby
Rating: PG
Point of view: third
Prompt: Pyro/Iceman, Do yourself a favor, save yourself, don't pick me, find someone else

The tiny flame is bright ball of heat in his palm. He stares at it, designing funny shapes, wondering if that will make him feel better.

It doesn't. Big shock there.

Alcatraz is miles behind him, nearly a lifetime away. He should stop playing with fire before someone notices, but it's not like he can get burned. He's never been burned by fire.

He has been burned by other things, though. He'd heard people describe a cold so sharp it felt like flame, and he understands that now.


Any chance he might've had got ripped apart with Alcatraz, and John-Pyro-can only think that's for the best.

Title: master
Fandom: Supernatural
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: takes place in Hell
Pairing: Alistair/Dean
Rating: R
Wordcount: 125
Point of view: first
Prompt: Alastair/Dean, that's my boy

Hey, kiddo, I got someone I think you remember. That's right... he tried to kill your baby brother, Sammy. That name familiar? Well, believe me. This is someone you'll enjoy hurting.

Ooh, nice one. Just a little bit deeper-there you go. Perfect.

Now, up a mite-yeah, right there. Deep and sharp, so gorgeous, pet. I knew you'd be the best.

Don't worry, we have forever, if you like. This one... he's special, you know. He got you before I did, tried to feast. He's gotta pay for that, sweetheart. Your brother did a fine job in killing him, but me and you... ah.

You hear the pleading? That's all you. That's my boy. Come here, Dean. I think you've earned a reward.

Title: roughdrafts and masterpieces
Fandom: Supernatural
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: future!fic AU
Pairings: none
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 290
Point of view: third
Prompt: any/any, The shot heard around the world.

It wasn't until a couple hundred years later that anyone really realized just what Samuel Colt had made. Oh, they found the prototype of course, what ended up being called the DemonKiller. Some fools even tried to use it on the Devil himself, like that ever had a chance of working.

No, the DemonKiller wouldn't have worked on Lucifer, or Michael, or Azrael, or Joshua. Or the Father.

It was Colt's rough-draft, after all. A work in progress, and he was making strides in the right direction. And then... well. It's not like God wants a weapon around that could kill Him. So things happened and the weapon got lost.

But things that get lost are eventually found, and Sam Winchester had long since misplaced his sense of humor and his compassion and his ability to forgive.

And it wasn't really like the world needed Lucifer or Michael or Azrael or Joshua anymore. So one by one, the last Winchester hunted them down to make them pay. Nearly a hundred years since his brother got beaten to death by the MorningStar, since Azrael collected Dean's soul and took him away, to somewhere Sam couldn't follow. After everything, separated for eternity...

Well, in place of his humor and compassion and mercy and all those other nice things, Sam had rage and hatred and an endless wellspring of power.

And the DemonKiller didn't do anything but tickle the Devil. But the GodSlayer, that was another matter entirely.

And finally, God looked into the eyes of His own death and said, This won't bring him back. Dean's soul had been returned to the cosmos decades before, after all. God had spoken His commandment and Dean's soul was gone.

Sam said, I know.


Title: the reign of a thousand years
Fandom: Supernatural
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: parts could be taken as Judeo-Christian blasphemy
Pairings: implied Alistair/Dean
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 235
Point of view: third
Prompt: Dean +/ Alastair, I sat around laughing and watched the last one die

Dean doesn't really remember much about the soul he was tormenting when Castiel swooped in to save the day a thousand years too late.

(And it was a thousand years. Alistair savored every last moment, and he is Hell's timekeeper. Let Joshua talk about the symbolism of three days all he wants... Alistair knows he had that self-righteous martyr on his rack for five million decades, and he knows because he counted them all.

So, when Alistair says he had Dean for four thousand years, he did. And when Dean tearfully confesses to Sammy that it was four months, he doesn't know he's lying.)

Anyway. Dean doesn't remember much about the last soul. There was screaming and crying and begging and bleeding, but that's simply par for the course. Towards the end there, Dean inspired just as much terror as Alistair, and they were both so proud of that.

But that last soul... if only Castiel had been a few hours later, Dean would've been completely lost. Completely Alistair's. Body and mind and soul, every bit of him. Alistair's to break down and build back up, crazy-glued together wrong.

Michael wouldn't have wanted to touch him, then. Both Heaven and Hell would've backed the fuck off and left Dean with Alistair, in his workroom, forever.

But Dean was pulled away, gripped tight and raised from Perdition, and Dean doesn't know that last soul's name.

Title: the star of mourning
Fandom: Supernatural
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: spoilers for season 5
Pairings: mentions of canon het
Rating: PG
Point of view: third
Prompt: Lucifer/Nick, pity

Nick is a nice enough fellow. He pays his taxes, loves his wife, adores his daughter, and obeys traffic laws. He has no idea of all the horrible things in store for him.

He can be excused for that, though, since honestly, no one does.


Nick used to be a nice enough fellow. Now he's bitter and angry and just wants to die, so that he can be with his family again. He would kill himself, except his wife spent hours sobbing in his arms after her father took his own life.

Nick is not Lucifer's first choice, or second, or third. He's not even on the third-string of options. No one important knows his name.

And in all the world, with billions of people to study, Lucifer settles on him for just that reason.

Sam Winchester is the one he really wants. But everyone knows about Sam. Nick is out of left field. Nobody will see Lucifer in Nick.


Nicholas, Lucifer whispers, wrapping his wings around the man's fragile soul. Sleep, my dear. You are with your wife and daughter, and the sun is warm, and everything is perfect.

Lucifer is not merciless. Nick is damned, but he need not suffer until Lucifer burns him out.

movie fic, title: t, wordcount: drabble, title: m, rated r, fanfic: x-men, fanfic: supernatural, point of view: third person, tv fic, gen, title: q, rated pg, point of view: first person, fic, title: r, series: comment_fic, slash, het

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