comment_fic 106-110: X-Men, SGA, Star Trek reboot, Leverage, SN

Dec 07, 2009 19:15

Title: I’ll be seeing you
Fandom: X-Men movieverse
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: none
Pairings: none stated
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 150
Point of view: third
Prompt: Pyro/Iceman, even though they’re enemies now, John would never reject Bobby

It's after Alcatraz and The Cure and being able to touch Rogue, after the Professor and Dr. Grey die, after The Cure fails and Magneto's a threat again.

Bobby’s spent the better part of the last decade chasing after John. They were brothers-better than, considering Ronny-and friends, and Bobby just… misses him.

He carried John from Alcatraz. Kept him away from the soldiers and the cops, and even the X-Men until John woke up, and he left before John realized he was there.

It’s after a lifetime of being the good guy. Being dependable and nice and so sickeningly sweet he wants to barf.

He doesn’t belong at the school anymore. He should have left when John did.

Bobby doesn’t say goodbye to anyone. He lets his instincts lead him and when he winds up at what had been John’s favorite hang-out, he settles in a corner and waits.

Title: end of the road
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: AU
Pairings: pre-Ronon/John
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 410
Point of view: third
Prompt: John/Ronon, Sateda never fell

In Pegasus, there are a few pockets of resistance to the Wraith left. When the Earthlings get there, they fall right into a galaxy-wide war-replicators versus humans versus wraith, with the humans losing because their numbers are finite and so easy to kill.

Atlantis is at the bottom of the sea without the power to rise or send the explorers back to Earth, so Dr. McKay picks an address at random and sends everyone through.

On the other side, they meet blasters the likes of which they've never seen and hardened warriors with distrustful eyes.

Colonel Sumner steps in front of Dr. Weir and says, "Who's in charge here."

A man strides forward, taller and broader than all the rest. "I'm Dex," he says, gaze roving over the Earthlings, lingering on Sheppard. "Are you with us or them?" He flicks his eyes to the sky before focusing back on Sumner.

Sumner is clearly at a loss for words, so Dr. Weir moves around him. "We were hoping to find the Ancients," she tells Dex quietly. "If we've stumbled into the midst of something, we apologize."

Dex stares at her for a moment then turns back to his soldiers. “Any of you good in a fight?” he asks over his shoulder.

"Yes,” Sumner says shortly. His hands tighten around his gun while the scientists try not to draw attention and the Earthling soldiers shift, preparing for-something.

Dex says, “Fighters go with them,” and half a dozen of his warriors break off. “Rest of you, tell me what you’re good at and we’ll find you a place.”

None of the Earthlings move and Dex bares his teeth. “Or we can kill you where you stand, just to be safe.”

Sumner glares, fingers white around his gun. “I’m not leaving them without protection,” he hisses.

Considering that, Dex’s eyes go back to Sheppard. “Alright,” he says. “Leave a couple.”

Sumner bites his tongue, but turns and barks a few orders. All but five soldiers, including Sheppard, follow Dex’s warriors. Sumner mutters to Sheppard, “Keep them safe” and Sheppard nods.

Dex waits a moment, studying the remaining Earthlings again. “Any of you medical?” he asks. Half a dozen raise their hands. “Go with Melena.” She steps forward with a smile and gestures for them to follow; they do.

Sheppard nods for one of the marines to accompany them.

“Rest of you,” Dex says, “step up and tell me your specialty.”

Title: in the glow
Fandom: Star Trek reboot
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: none
Pairings: pre-Jim/Bones
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 200
Point of view: second
Prompt: Jim/Bones, hoping feelings will be returned

Jim Kirk is bright and loud, and people flock to him, just hoping he'll glance their way and dance with them and maybe even take them to bed.

He never beds the same person twice, except a choice few, and he never stays the night.

You're inside the glow he exudes, roommate and best friend--only friend, you think sometimes. Because he is bright, and he is loud, and people flock to him but no one sees him. They see the mask, the one he drops at night, in the dorm, when he sags down onto the bed, pulling the covers to his neck, and has dreams he never speaks of.

Nightmares, actually. He's quiet, but he thrashes around. He woke you up, once, when he tumbled to the floor, silent but gasping like he couldn't breathe.

You watch and wait, offering what help you can, but he'll spook if you push too hard, like Granddad's horses.

He's bright to cover the darkness, loud to hide the fear, and people flock without looking close enough to see.

Not you, though. You're there beside him, ready to catch him if he stumbles, and maybe one day he'll see you.

Title: put out to pasture
Fandom: Leverage
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: future!fic
Pairings: none stated
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 280
Point of view: third
Prompt: Eliot/anyone, a ranch of his own and someone to share it with

He gets out after-well, he gets out. Goes back to Oklahoma and works anywhere they need a handyman or a touch with horses, anywhere he doesn’t have to talk much.

He doesn't look over his shoulder. Doesn't care if an old enemy tracks him down. Doesn't care if they try to break him before killing him. He doesn't care about much anymore.

But no one comes for him.

He saves up his paychecks to buy a parcel of land, even though he could buy the state for how much is hidden away in a bank-account with a fake name. He won’t go near that money, though. Not even if he were starving.

There’s blood on that money, and guilt. So much regret he can’t breathe sometimes.

He flinches around laughing blondes. Around motherly brunettes with bright smiles. Can’t stand fireworks or skyscrapers.

It takes ten years of living hand-to-mouth before he buys that parcel of land. Four horses. He never expected to live so long, and sometimes wishes he had the courage to kill himself. But Grandma had told him that suicides don’t get to Heaven, and he knows that’s where they are.

He wants to see them again. To apologize for being too slow. Too weak. He was unconscious while they died, and there’s no excuse for that. He wasn’t good enough and-

It should have been him. That’s why he was on the team. To take the punches and the gunshots and the killing blows. It should have been him, but it wasn’t and he’s got to live with that.

So he does. With his stamp-sized piece of ground and his four rescued horses, he lives with that.

Title: you are beautiful by light of the moon
Fandom: Supernatural
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: spoilers for season 5
Pairings: none stated
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 195
Point of view: third
Prompt: Dean and/or Sam, he doesn't dream anymore. (But maybe there's still hope. Author's choice. :) )

It's dark here. Quiet. He thinks back to Sammy and Dad and the Impala, when they were tired, yeah, and there was almost always arguing, no matter how much he begged them to stop, but they were together, the three of them, saving people and hunting things.

Those days were good. Before Sammy left-those days were the best of his life.

Now's not so bad, though. Now he's got solitude and memories. No sulfur or gunpowder. No blood. No salt and holy water, no black eyes or yellow eyes or red eyes or white eyes.

He hates white eyes. And black eyes, and red eyes, but yellow eyes most of all.

There are no knives here. No smoke, or flames, or silky words purred with a familiar, beloved voice.

There's just quiet darkness without dreams, without nightmares, without sleepless nights on the run, hiding from demons and angels and the Prince of Lies clothed in once-adored skin. (Still adored skin. He knows why Sammy said yes.)

Peace, Michael whispers. Have hope, beloved. Our brothers may yet return to us. All is not lost.

(He knows why Sammy said yes.

It's the same reason he did.)

fanfic: star trek, movie fic, fanfic: leverage, wordcount: drabble, title: e, fanfic: x-men, fanfic: supernatural, point of view: third person, tv fic, fanfic: stargate atlantis, gen, title: i, point of view: second person, rated pg, title: p, fic, series: comment_fic, title: y

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