SN canon drabbles: 1.9-1.12

Feb 29, 2008 07:28



My mother knew me twice and then I had to leave her

It almost breaks him, setting foot back in that house. He’s had nightmares about it for years-screams, Mommy, fire, burnburnburnMommy-and woken shivering, shuddering, wanting to cry for Mommy, but Mommy won’t ever come.
            But Sam says they need to go home ( Read more... )

title: t, rated pg, happy birthday to me!, wordcount: drabble, fic, title: a, title: m, series: supernatural canon drabbles, fanfic: supernatural, point of view: third person, title: y, tv fic

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Comments 13

iamstealthyone February 29 2008, 16:18:39 UTC
My mother knew me twice and then I had to leave her

This makes me ache for Dean. I love how you captured that damaged little boy and determined adult in such a short amount of space.

Favorite lines:

He’s had nightmares about it for years-screams, Mommy, fire, burnburnburnMommy-and woken shivering, shuddering, wanting to cry for Mommy, but Mommy won’t ever come.

Oh, Dean.

They need to do this, and he won’t be the weak link-not this time.

*hugs him*

You will die somewhat, again and again

But Dean’ll heal. He always does.

Yeah, Dean keeps going and going and going. He still hurts, though, and the events in “Asylum” are no exception. Sam’s words and actions don’t just bounce off him; good job showing that.

And I am my brother’s keeper

These brothers angst so nicely, don’t they? :)

Favorite lines:

Sam watches him go, feeling more lost than he’s ever been, because Dean isn’t the one who leaves.

Yeah, this really must have given Sam pause. John leaves and Sam leaves, but Dean’s always there. Until this …

And if this is what ( ... )


tigriswolf February 29 2008, 22:15:21 UTC
Thank you so much!


mtee February 29 2008, 20:54:24 UTC
Great tags. I always hoped Layla survived somehow. She was such a serene person. You would love for Dean to see her somehow - before his deal is up.

Asylum -- I loved the line about the half-assed apology. That is so true! "Do we need to talk about this??" I would have loved to have had that scene happen.

I like that you have Dean actually leaving for once.

Great stuff - thank you.


tigriswolf February 29 2008, 22:15:54 UTC
Thank you for reading!


chailynroulette March 1 2008, 07:57:33 UTC
this was great i love "he'll probably even try to charm death when it comes for him"

fantastic, makes me hurt for dean, loved asylum great fic for it. this was great "But Dean’ll heal. He always does." so dean.



tigriswolf March 1 2008, 16:06:05 UTC
Thank you!


noybusiness May 15 2008, 23:47:12 UTC
I love it! All four are very on the mark about the boys!


tigriswolf May 16 2008, 13:52:58 UTC
Thank you so much!


noybusiness May 16 2008, 14:53:09 UTC
You keep making the same replies. Nothing wrong with that, trying to come up with a new one each time must be tiring, so you have tried-and-true ones to fall back. I just wonder if you have a macro program to insert them at the touch of a button.


tigriswolf May 16 2008, 15:07:38 UTC
No, I type the words every time.


a_phoenixdragon August 5 2008, 05:49:50 UTC
Damn... WOW, I love your work!!

*hugs you*


tigriswolf August 5 2008, 13:26:25 UTC


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