
Feb 28, 2007 13:48

So, I'm spamming today.  What of it?  It's my birthday so I'm entitled.  (Okay, I've actually decided tomorrow is my birthday, so Mr. Ackles and I have something in common, but whatever.) *grumbles at old dead guys*

1. I was just thinking, wouldn't it be fun if Dean or Sam vanished in New York City and the brother left standing had to work with the Missing Persons Unit (of "Without a Trace" fame) to find him?

Any slash that resulted(Martin/Danny, Martin/Dean, Martin/SamW, Danny/Dean, Danny/SamW, Dean/SamW, or Martin/Danny/Dean/SamW) would be awesome.

2.  I am so going to the Special Hell for this.  Of course, I'm probably already there.


Say, back in 2003ish, Sammy gets turned into a husky while on a quick vacation in Washington State.  And say Ivan Reisz(of Devour) is the guy that picks him at the pound(because, of course, that's where Sammy the husky ended up.)  So, when Jake stops by, Sammy the husky flips out because--hello!--Dean.  Except, you know, not.

Now, where does it go from there?  I got no clue.

3. “Supernatural”/Tremors crossover wherein the boys or the boys-plus-John are in the original movie and help those civilian people; or a crossover wherein they hunt a graboid.

4.  I would love forever the person who'd feel so inclined as to write a fic where the 'Jess' of "Gilmore Girls" met the 'Dean' of "Supernatural" and slashiness ensued.

5. Any "Supernatural" crossover with Connor/Stephen from  "Angel" would be greeted with open arms and cookies of your choice.  I don't care how he meets up with the boys or if it's slash(actually, that'd be great).

6. I'd really really like a fic where Dean Winchester is dropped into Tortall and has to work with George to get home.  Preferably before Lioness Rampant so that George is still King of the Thieves, and Dean can be whatever age.


7.  And then, of course, there's still this.  I got waylaid by "Familial Relations" and school, and now "ceteris paribus(my SN/DA crossover)."

8. Could someone pretty please write a Psych/SN crossover where Dean and Shawn interact a lot?  And some slashiness.

Pretty, pretty please?  (ETA:
pheebs1wrote this wee lil'snippet.)

9. Could someone be persuaded to write a "Supernatural"/The Lost Boys fic where Michael and Sam meet up with Sam and Dean?  I know the ages aren't right, but still... or, perhaps, David wasn't quite as dead as people thought and he meets up with Sam and Dean?

10. Would anyone like to attempt to pen a long, well written L&O: CI/SN crossover?

11. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in writing a "Supernatural" fic wherein the boys are separated after the fire and Sam's the one who's horribly abused and becomes a whore.

tempestquill wrote " Walking in the Shadows" and
an_ominous_sockwrote " Hook")

12. Are there any "Supernatural" crossovers with "The Magnificent Seven" ATF alternate universe?  'cause that?  Would be awesome.

13. So, I know people love pairing Sam Winchester and Lorelai Gilmore up, but have there been any Dean Winchester/Lorelai fics?

14. How about a fic where Kate(from "Dead Man's Blood") turns Sarah(from "Provenance") and sends her after Sam?

sarlev_vanisawrote " A Vampire's Revenge")

15. Have there been any crossover stories wherein Dean meets James Bond?  Preferably, the newest Bond. (Besides
sanyin's snippit, which I've read and enjoyed.  More'n once.)

16. Have there been any fics where Dean and Lindsey(of "Angel") meet up and sing together?

17. Are there any "Supernatural"/Pitch Black crossovers?

18. So, say NotDean comes back(or his vengeful lover/sibling/child) and NotMeg re-possess Sam, turning Sam into NotMegSam, and then NotMegSam goes on a rampage with NotDean.  Good times.  (And of course, NotDean would stay in Dean's skin the whole time.)

pixel_0wrote this drabble.)

19. *cough*

So, uh, has anyone found(or written) an AU of "Hunted" wherein Gordon takes advantage of Tied-upDean, then Sam comes in and blows his brains out?

*blinks innocently*

20.  And then there's this, too. *shakes head*

21. Oh, what about a "Grey's Anatomy"/Devour crossover wherein Jake and Marisol go on a rampage in that stupid hospital?  GhostDenny can turn evil and help!

So, yeah... there's some ideas for anyone out looking.  And some requests, also for anyone out looking.


subsequent ideas: II

request, refractured, idea, list, happy birthday to me!

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