SF Con Icons

Jan 21, 2011 04:58

wolfpup2000  posted some truly wonderful SF Con pics (be sure to check them out on her lj) and I couldn't resist making some icons out of some of them from the J2 panel.


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pic image by wolfpup2000, icons, sf con, jared, jensen, panel

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Comments 27

angelskiss January 21 2011, 10:29:49 UTC
Awwww I love them. <3

Will credit what I take.


tiggeratl1 January 21 2011, 14:54:35 UTC
Thanks so much!! :)


ckll January 21 2011, 10:38:48 UTC
Awesome icons!!


tiggeratl1 January 21 2011, 14:55:19 UTC
Thanks!! :)


bjl_charlie January 21 2011, 11:25:04 UTC
Great icons :))) love-love-love! :)


tiggeratl1 January 21 2011, 14:56:00 UTC
Thanks so much!! :)


(The comment has been removed)

tiggeratl1 January 21 2011, 14:56:42 UTC
Thanks so much!! :)


meus_venator January 21 2011, 14:02:58 UTC
Lovely icons, especially since for most of the shots I didn't think Jensen looked that well that weekend. Great colour. Snagging!

Constantly amazed at what gentlemen these two are, so generous with their time and really making an effort for their fans. Total admiration of them, gorgeous on the outside and in.



tiggeratl1 January 21 2011, 15:34:48 UTC
I so agree with you! In most of the pics I've seen also poor Jensen *pets him* looked like he needed a soft warm bed and lots of TLC and rest. Both J's dedication to their fans is just ♥ ♥ ♥ !

I was so excited to see wolfpup2000 posting her con pics. She always has such gorgeous pics for us fangirls to squee over. I can't take credit for the coloring. That was due to her and her wonderful camera. All I had to do was pick, crop, and size the images. :)

Thanks so much for the wonderful comment and enjoy the icons!! <333


meus_venator January 21 2011, 15:59:30 UTC
...poor Jensen *pets him*

Ha, ha, ha! I have such an image in my mind. (Down girl) But yes, he looked sick as a dog and just hanging in there. With Jared tap dancing as fast as he could to cover.


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