To my favorite character~

Sep 12, 2009 22:46


Yes, I'm still on time in my timezone okay? :/ Buuut he'll have to have a cliffhanger drabble. Maybe I'll write the next part next year >.>;

The reason for the pile of coats topping a pile of shoes by the door of the Mukahi home was made soon apparent. But not apparent enough to stop anyone but Hiyoshi from tripping over it whenever they walked by. Even Atobe, who would deny such a thing had ever happened until he was dead and buried. Possibly even longer.

"Seven minutes in heaven with the birthday boy!" Gakuto exclaimed loudly to his assorted guests. Not that they were assorted in anything but personality, because they were all members of the Hyoutei tennis team.

Their personalities were plenty of an assortment though, because the only person who seemed happy about the announcement was Yuushi. And Jirou, but Jirou always seemed happy.

"Seven?" Yuushi drawled, "Don't you think you're overestimating yourself?" He looked at Gakuto over the top of his glasses, giving him a nice long look-over, but it wasn't enough to keep Gakuto from scowling.

He huffed. "Shut up Yuushi. If you think you can get me off in seven minutes why don't you just try?" the redhead challenged, scowl turning to a smirk. It was a slide of mouth that Gakuto was good at, among other ones.

"Wait, hold up, you want everyone to have sex with you in a closet for seven minutes?" Shishido clarified, raising hand even. His expression was so disbelieving that Gakuto was almost afraid he'd disappear from non-existance.

"Well, yeah," Gakuto replied in his most 'duh' voice.

"That's stupid," Hiyoshi chipped in, but to everyone's surprise he continued, "Aren't we supposed to have a choice of what to do to you?"

Gakuto considered this. Of course he would be fine if everyone wanted to fuck him, except maybe Atobe, but then Gakuto would have to make him go last so he got everyone's leftovers as a jab to his pride. But there really wasn't much chance everyone would want to do it, especially Ohtori who's virginity was still a mystery, so he finally relented with a sigh. "Yeah, whatever, if you just wanna touch and kiss it's fine too."

And there came the voice of reason, which usually lead to a lot less fun. Why did Gakuto invite Ohtori to these things anyway? "Mukahi-sempai, I'm not sure it's a good idea for everyone to-"

"Hey, no worries!" Gakuto cut the preaching train off short. This was his party and they were going to do things his way. He pulled a long string of foil-wrapped condoms from his pocket. "I came prepared.

"Actually," Gakuto continued, "I haven't come yet, so if everyone's done killing my party, it's Yuushi's turn."

That guilt trip seemed enough to shut Ohtori up and so the kid just frowned and looked to Shishido and then Atobe for help.

Atobe was in conversation with Kabaji and Shishido just shrugged. Gakuto grinned. "Taki!" he called. "You keep time. Someone knock and open the door when seven minutes are up!"

Taki set a few buttons on his wristwatch and returned Gakuto's wicked grin. "Have fun."

That was enough cue for Gakuto, and he grabbed Yuushi's wrist to tug him into the empty closet.

"So," he stated expectantly once they were inside the closet that really wasn't big enough for two growing teens to do much moving. Not that Gakuto was doing much growing to his continual disappointment. Yuushi seemed to understand exactly what Gakuto meant, which was why they were doubles partners, and before Gakuto could think of anything else to say, he was pressed against the side of the closet and completely breathless.

The cause might have been from Yuushi's chest pressed fully against his, but Gakuto really suspected that it was the lips on his own. The lips and tongue and mmm Yuushi really didn't waste any time devouring his mouth which was what Gakuto liked.

He especially liked the way a thigh slipped between his legs, making him arch against Yuushi for even more touch. The closet was small and dark but it was wonderful in that they had to press up against each other and it was hot in all the right ways. And when Yuushi pulled back, Gakuto stretched up to chase those retreating lips, his body flattening out straight up against that tall body.

The tensai's breaths were loud in his ear, seeming to echo and oh, oh his mouth was still warm and wet with a firm, teasing tongue but it was against his ear. "Gakuto," Yuushi murmured, his voice rich and drawling and promising, "Happy birthday."

And then hands were sliding down his stomach, his back, up his shirt onto bare skin and all Gakuto do was arch and gasp and writhe for more. They caressed the dip of his back, caught on the taut skin around his bellybutton, curled into the waistband of his pants... "Yes...." Gakuto hissed, resting his forhead against Yuushi's shoulder with a shudder.

He ground his hips down onto that thigh, and because of the height difference it was just so easy to stretch onto his toes and lower his weight so the pressure was firm. And the friction as he slid slowly down was so much better. Not to mention Yuushi was nuzzling at his neck, sending shivers that went everywhere at the scrape of teeth, the puffs of breath, the slide of slick tongue over his skin.

"Yuuushi," Gakuto moaned, and while it was supposed to be a demanding whine it was more of an appreciative breath. His hands clung to Yuushi's shoulders as he dragged himself up that thigh again, body shaking in anticipation. He wanted touch, he wanted to feel those long fingers grip his cock and pull him closer and damn, Yuushi was right, he was aching to get off already.

There were kisses placed along his jaw and then his ear again, but Gakuto wasn't paying attention to them as much as he was the fingers that slowly drew the zipper down on his jeans. Gakuto whimpered, burying his face against Yuushi's neck while his body tensed to the mantra of hurry up, hurry up, hurry up.

And finally as he wasn't wearing any underwear, Yuushi's fingers trailed directly over his cock, running over his tip and leaving a long trail of sensation as he moved down, down until they reached his balls and cradled them in that soft palm.

Gakuto's eyes were shut tight as he hummed in satisfaction, but suddenly Yuushi's hand was gone and his ears rang with the call outside the door of "Time's up!"

fic, birthday

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