Title: A Little Ray Of Sunshine
Characters & Pairings:Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
Genre: Gen, preseries
Rating & Warnings:G and none
Word Count:100
Summary: Sam hates winter and waiting and sunshine and Dean.
A/N: For the
day_by_drabble Not-So-Bleak Midwinter drabbleathon: prompt 21: "I like these cold, gray winter days. Days like these let you savor a bad mood."
--Bill Watterson
It’s cold and blustery under a threatening sky; fitting Sam’s mood perfectly as he huddles on the porch, waiting for his ride to school. “Hurry up,” he grumbles.
A bit of light peeks through the clouds and Dean turns his face up blissfully. Sam wants to punch him.
“Look, Sammy,” Dean smirks. “A little ray of sunshine, just like you!”
“Bite me,” his brother mutters, slamming the car door and settling into a sullen ball of outraged adolescent in the passenger seat. The sun vanishes just as quickly as it had appeared and Sam’s viciously glad to see it go.