Title: Next Time
Character: Sam
Genre: Gen
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Summary: Sam wishes that just for once he could save the world and remain pain free at the same time.
A/N: Tag to Frontierland, written for the prompt: sore at the EO drabble challenge on ff.net.
Next time Dean’s going. Sam snorts softly to himself. Yeah, next time.
He’s got what they need; a few earnest glances, some gung ho conversation and a demo of how his cell phone operates had eventually pried the Colt loose from its creator. Now he’s just got to get it back to his brother in time for it to do them any good.
Sam shifts uncomfortably, gripping the reins in one hand, the pommel in the other. If the world ever again needs saving by time travel to the old West, Dean’s going to be the one getting saddle sores.