Title: Serenity
Pairing: evil!Sam/Dean
Rating: R
Word Count: 100
Summary: When Sam's with Dean, he can just be.
A/N: Twenty-fourth drabble in the Acoustics 'verse. First drabble can be found here:
Acoustics A/N: My ninth entry for
365drabbles Also fills the prompt: serenity at
supernatural100 Warnings: This is a very dark series. Sam has no redeeming characteristics. Dean's existence is one of pain and torture at Sam's hand.
The outside world is violent, dangerous- every day Sam must battle humans and demons and angels to try and break it to his will. It’s only when evening approaches and he arrives at the room that he calms. The fury that grips him evaporates and he can exhale without screaming in rage.
Dean is his peace, his family. Dean’s not going to attack him. Doesn’t even try any more. Dean’s not going to betray him. Never again. What Dean is going to do is scream and bleed and let Sam find serenity in the tight heat of his broken body.
Next: Beg