Title: Trapeze
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Summary: Dean didn't pick this motel by accident
A/N: My seventh entry for
365drabbles Also fills the prompt: motel at
supernatural100 “You do this on purpose, don’t you?”
“I just pulled off at the first motel we came to.”
“And you’ve never been here before?”
“So when you went into the office of The Big Top motel, you didn’t specifically ask for the clown room?”
Dean actually manages to look offended. “In your case I would have asked for the Bozo room. I could go back and ask if the trapeze room’s available. How’s that?”
Sam laughs. “Sounds kinky.”
Dean grins. Last time he was here that trapeze got quite a workout. You don’t even know, Sammy. But you will.