Title: Vulnerable
Pairing: dark!Sam/Dean
Word count: 100
Rating: R
Summary: Dean hates being restrained. Sam doesn't care.
Written for the prompt: four at
supernatural100 Dean hates being blindfolded, being vulnerable, but that’s how Sam wants him. Sam’s kissing him, hands tangled in Dean’s hair, then Sam’s gone and a hard whisper shivers in Dean’s ear. Don’t move, and Dean doesn’t.
Time passes and Sam’s back, removing the blindfold. Dean stares. He can’t. The blindfold was bad enough and Sam knows….
Get on the bed Dean, and Dean does. There’s a cuff for each wrist, each ankle and Dean panics silently while Sam restrains him.
This is going to hurt if you don’t relax, but Dean can’t and it doesn’t matter anyway. Not to Sam.