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Comments 34

smidgeson January 8 2013, 20:04:21 UTC
Oh yes the breaking of Dean to the joys of Sam's acoustic room has begun. **Fist pump**


tifaching January 9 2013, 02:07:03 UTC
Hooray for fist pumps! Just the beginning for poor Dean!


amberdreams January 8 2013, 22:06:50 UTC
You were right not to try and restrict this into the 100 words; the ones you have chosen were all necessary, I think, for what is to come.

And I notice you managed to fit in some bitten nipple action!


tifaching January 9 2013, 02:08:58 UTC
There are bits of this that can be 100 words and bits that must be longer. I could have gone 1000 with this, but I really wanted it to stop there.

And hell yes for the nipple biting. I'm thinking that when Sam's done here, things will line right up with your fantastic illustration.


nighean_isis January 9 2013, 05:34:12 UTC

::searches for something to say::

Guh. I got nuthin'.

'Cept maybe - thank you? And more please?

Yeah. Thank you. More please.


tifaching January 11 2013, 00:15:40 UTC
I've made you speechless? Hooray!

More to follow...stay tuned.


grean January 12 2013, 03:10:29 UTC
Shudders at Deans humiliation, shame and pain. Your Sam is so unrepentantly evil. Poor Dean. I would save him if I could, since I can't I will stand in testament to the horrors he must suffer. Keep a silent vigil, watch in horror as Sam inflicts the most vile and horrendous tortures on his devoted brother.
Thank you so very much for this verse.


tifaching January 12 2013, 20:49:02 UTC
Sam wants to degrade his brother every way he can. In the earlier (later) installments, it's all about the pain, Dean's too far into this to be shamed (pretty much), but right now, starting out, Sam's gonna break him hard.

Thank you so very much for reading and taking the time to let me know what you think. It's very much appreciated.


sam_dean_lover January 12 2013, 10:55:04 UTC


tifaching January 12 2013, 20:49:10 UTC


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