How To Break a Curse in One Thousand Not So Easy Steps 2/2

Sep 06, 2012 20:42

Title: How to Break a Curse in One Thousand Not So Easy Steps
Characters: Sam, Dean, John
Rating: PG
Genre: Gen
Warnings: None
Word Count: 5321 this part.  10,200 total

Author's Notes: This was written for Read more... )

humor, gen, john, summergen, dean, cursed!sam, sam, pg

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Comments 38

katsheswims September 8 2012, 03:05:35 UTC
I really liked this. Great job!


tifaching September 8 2012, 10:40:26 UTC
Thank you!


ayane42 September 8 2012, 04:28:45 UTC
really great story!! i loved this!!


tifaching September 8 2012, 10:40:44 UTC
Thanks so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it!


cappy712 September 8 2012, 14:00:14 UTC
That was a wonderful story, thank you so much for sharing.


tifaching September 8 2012, 20:17:12 UTC
Thank you again!


sharlot1926 September 8 2012, 17:36:45 UTC
Absolutely wonderful. Lots of oo-ing and awing (baby Sammy...the boys bonding again!), lots of laughs (I honestly couldn't stop giggling at the line about Sam's legs not looking like two sausages joined at the crotch. OMG. LOL!) and even some sniffles (reliving Jess's death. /bawl)! I was so worried that Sam was going to run away before they could extract the last few hundred no's. Whew!

I simply enjoyed the snot out of this. Thank you so much for your hard work!


tifaching September 8 2012, 22:34:40 UTC
I'm so, so happy that all the different emotions came through. This story was like pulling teeth for parts of it. I was working on ages ten and twenty right up to the deadline.

Haha, the idea of Sam growing and his clothes staying the same size was just too funny to not have in there at least once.

And the Stanford bit was so hard to write. Sam so worried about Jess and Dean and John having to deceive him about her death. I felt horrible for all of them there.

LOL. It was hard work and I'm so glad you enjoyed it!


randomstasis September 9 2012, 14:10:29 UTC
This was lots of fun- tormenting poor ickle Sammy just to hear him say no. I think the best part was when he got all contrary and refused to say no!
No, maybe the best part was John and Dean getting to reconnect with Sam, even if he doesn't remember it, they will.


tifaching September 9 2012, 15:38:04 UTC
Poor Sam. Dean really was merciless sometimes with the questions. But what else are big brothers for? I loved writing the relationship bits of this so much. Having Sam as an innocent child and even as a man whose father congratulates him on getting into college instead of kicking him out of the family was so fun to write.

I'm so glad you enjoyed it.


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