Title: Quiet
Pairing: Evil!Sam/Dean
Rating: R
Genre: slash
Word Count: 100
Summary: Dean makes his move. It doesn't go well.
A/N: Warnings: This is a very dark series. Sam has no redeeming characteristics. Dean's life is one of pain and torture at his brother's hand. Artwork is graphic and definitely not safe for work.
A/N: This is part of the beginning of Acoustics. If you're just starting out, or need a refresher you should start with
Switches and follow the links from there.
Banner by the amazing
amber1960 Sam releases his hold on Dean mentally and physically, pushing himself upright to straddle his brother’s hips. Dean’s eyes dart around the room, getting his first look at his surroundings before halting on Sam’s naked body.
There’s rage in those eyes and panic and Sam stares impassively back, waiting. Dean doesn’t telegraph his blow, but Sam blocks it easily without moving a muscle. Dean’s panting gasps become bitten off screams as every bone in his arm shatters and Sam shudders as the muffled cries bounce wildly around the room.
Quiet’s been taken care of. Now it’s time to get dirty.