[FANFIC] Ryo, The Latchkey Boy, Chapter 14: Trepidation

Mar 26, 2019 14:48

Title: Ryo, the Latchkey Boy
Characters: Kanjani8, News, Various other JE boys. Surprise appearance of Tackey and Tsubasa in this chapter (don’t ask, I have no idea)
Main Focus: Ryo
Summary: An unexpected event rips the hearts of Kanjani8 and News members. They are left to attend their wound while looking after one of their own.
(side note: this is ( Read more... )

fanfic: ryo the latchkey boy, fanfic: multichapter, fanfic: kanjani8, fanfic: news, fanfic: nishikido ryo

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Comments 8

mari02 March 26 2019, 14:23:04 UTC

you updated! hiii! my heart aches everytime i read this. i mean. you got me from those memories of the dead already. just rememnering those sad moments of ryo with his friends is already painful. and now, this! i can see him struggling and lost. it's a good thing that tackey and tsubasa is there for him but it's also so sad that he cant even remember his other friends. i hope he gets to warm up soon because im sure that would help him recover faster

thanks for your hardwork! i hope you wont get tired of me bugging you to update because i really love your story! im so glad you picked this up after all these years. i am so excited to see how everything pans out.


tiethel March 27 2019, 12:51:55 UTC
thank you for still reading this :3
you might be the only one but it's okay <3

I don't know why I go so angsty about this one when the first two were more like a crack fic :D But I guess I like Ryo suffering hah hah haaa *insert evil laugh*

I will never get tired, you can bug me whenever you want ;) and if it wasn't for the persistent comments, I might have not felt like continuing. There was a time that I believed this fic was over but I got through that :)))


mari02 March 27 2019, 13:32:10 UTC

hahaha! i will! so does thst mean that i can expect more chapters soon? i will be waiting

there's not much gen fics with ryo, ne? that's why i like your work. also love angsty stuff but of course your cracj fic were awesome too. i may just be really biased on this multichapter because ryo is suffering. like you, i like it when he is having a hard time. also when he cries! hahahhaha


tiethel March 27 2019, 20:04:13 UTC
my life cycle goes something like this:

Ryo *cries*
Me *swoon* stahp hurting my baby! let me hug you Ryo!
Ryo *goes on his life, without any crying at all*
Me: what the hell! give me a pen, I need to fix this!

so yeah :D

There are not much gen fics tru. Most of the fics I see are Ryokura and Ryopi (back in the day). Which are fun admittedly *smirk* buuut, I do want a good old fashioned friendship / gen fic too. It is hard to find.

You can expect more definitely. But right now I am extremely tired. Why adulting is tiring too? I thought teenaging was the only tiring period - but it is never ending...


mari02 April 2 2019, 10:58:24 UTC
Oh! it's been almost a week. i wonder if i can start being annoying? :D i hope everything's going well on your end! :D


mari02 June 3 2019, 15:35:51 UTC
i know i know it is me again. but i have always loved this story so im popping once again to remind you that you have at least one readers waiting for the rest of the story unfold. thank you 😁


ami007 June 3 2019, 20:19:58 UTC

Thank you for updating this fic... 💕


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