Title: Third Time Lucky
Chapter: 8. An Opportunity to Dress Well
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Karofsky/Kurt
Rating: R
Word Count: 5,170
Warnings: oh, you know
Summary: Somehow the dead heat of summer gives rise to the mother(fucker) of all second chances. The road to redemption is paved with fights, phone calls, false starts, and more than a few jokes at
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Comments 9
I shall take this chill in my belly to the next chapter, and hope for excited-giddy-goodness instead of the Armageddon I am sure is coming.
but I have to say, Kurt + Finn = hilarious conversations
ETA: cause I have the attentions span of Shawn Spencer apparently
that talk with Burt? precious
drunk ND are amusing if dangerous
and when Blaine smiles all I want to do is smash his teeth in but that is probably just my over-protective romantic nature speaking :P
Thank you so much. I will always think of this fic when I hear that song.
Dammit, now I have to sleep. Last part tomorrow, as soon as I am humanly able.
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