picspam for Teyla fans

Dec 18, 2008 23:12

Because I'm bored and have writing to do, but am uninspired and discouraged, and Teyla doesn't ever seem to get any love or picspam that I ever see, so I might as well provide some.

Hot girls and guns!

I love her smile! (I really do!)

Michael nearly takes the marines up on their offer to make swiss cheese of him, while Teyla watches warily.

"Why, yes, I have been working out."

Seeing ghosts in Atlantis is never a good thing.

Okay, I just like this one for the downlighting, and the stained glass window behind her. (It's awfully light outside for the middle of the night, isn't it?)

In the big picture version of this, it cracks me up that Rachel's sitting splay-legged, while David's sitting almost primly.

If you're a Teyla-fan and have somewhere to store pics, I challenge you to make up your own Teyla picspam and post it to LJ. I'd love to see this spreading web of Teyla picspam through my f-list and my f-list's f-lists - unlikely though I know it is. Teyla doesn't inspire the love and devotion that any other character on the show gets, but it would be nice to see her appreciated - just once at the end of the show.

So... Any other Teyla fans got picspam to share?

show: sga, characters: teyla emmagan

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