Tianyu and the Prisoner of Arsenicban

Nov 27, 2004 13:29

Just as a minor update, you'll hear all about it from arsenicjade and feignhope who are the real personae (or whatever) of this saga. You'll have to read their journals to discover the noble story of Pantalaemon (sp?) whose full name I have attempted to write here, despite my incompetence, out of respect for her. We call her other, much less diginified things, but most of us are under a geas regarding what we may call her.

It was a sacrifice I would make again in a heartbeat for:

Noodle & Matzo ball soup,
Noodle Kugel (which I enjoyed saying as much as eating)
Corned Beef (which amand_r experienced for the second time that night)
Some supremely good BBQ-esque chicken (help me out heah, guys!)

For dessert we had some mad pumpkin pie, and truffles made by arsenicjade's father, who takes everything he does dead seriously and therefore excels at it. Especially truffles. Thing is, the madman within him made these truffles, because no sane mind could have concocted these. They were that good. I almost lost control of my human side and went Edward Hyde. I also relieved her family of a good portion of their candy and coffee.

amand_r and I then proceeded to team up in trivial pursuit against other teams (think Ken and Ryu vs. the rest of Capcom). Naturally we rocked everyone's ass.

Then we watched the Prisoner of Azkaban and there was much squeeing and canon commentary, along with a tortuous struggle against whoever made the DVD extra content (I am going to get you, you sick fuck).

So, all in all, a good night. Old haunts are always a bit off though, and so its time to head out. For the record, this entire post was deleted upon its first completion by amand_r's oversensitive touch pad mouse which must immediately go to hell, and has soured my mood.
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