Prompt 31 - Rolex

Jan 10, 2008 22:49

Title: What's in a name?
Author neshel
Prompt #:31 - Rolex
Pairings: Mobriel, technically, I guess.
Rating: G
Warnings: I suck at drabbles?
Summary: Mohinder's reaction to learning where Gabriel got the name Sylar from. Crack-ish?
Word Count: 221

Mohinder tried very hard not to laugh at his incredibly sensitive boyfriend. He'd only just managed to get Gabriel to open up about it and it would be very poor taste indeed to make fun of him now.

"So, you took your name from a brand of watch?" He finally managed, hoping he sounded more curious than amused. From the look on Gabriel's face he wasn't doing a very good job.

"A very rare and special watch." Gabriel insisted, a hint of a pout tugging at his lips.

Mohinder nodded reassuringly, running a hand soothingly up and down Gabriel’s back. He didn’t trust his voice at the moment, given the thought running through his head. Unfortunately Gabriel was far too good at reading Mohinder.

“I thought it was a good name.” He mumbled dejectedly and Mohinder knew he had to act fast or face the consequences.

“Absolutely terrifying.” Mohinder reassured his poor, insecure lover, pressing a kiss to his temple. “I’m sorry Gabriel. I just couldn’t help picturing you trying to make the name Rolex scary.”

Gabriel shot Mohinder a deeply offended look and for a long moment Mohinder worried that he was in for another one of Gabriel’s fits of the sullens. Then Gabriel’s lips twitched into a small grin, a chuckle escaping his lips.

“I could have done it.”

drabble, pairing: mohinder/sylar, rapid-fire challenge

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