Title: Understanding [1/?] - The Deal
Rating: R (Might be NC-17 eventually, unless I chicken out.)
Pairing: Mylar (Mohinder / Sylar)
Supporting Cast: A good chunk of the cast will be in and out throughout. Lots of characters mentioned, some Elle this chapter.
Spoilers: MASSIVE SPOILERS - Seasons 1 and 2 - This starts immediately after the
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Comments 47
Mohinder wouldn’t be responsible for leading another helpless lamb into the murderer’s lupine jaws. <--Wow..This just hit me hard for some odd reason.
And your Sylar was right on, especially his dialogue. "Oh you should not have done that." <--So Sylar!
hehe, I promise its not as ooc as it seems. *evil grin* Maybe a little, but Elle's powers, while different, aren't something that Sylar really needs. I know that's not the point, really, but the nature of her power is a consideration. There was much weighing of the pros and cons.
Mohinder wouldn’t be responsible for leading another helpless lamb into the murderer’s lupine jaws. <--Wow..This just hit me hard for some odd reason.
I very much enjoyed writing that line, its one of my favourites.
So glad you liked it! ^_^ hehe, I was so worried about my Sylar characterization, since I've never written anyone like him before. So yays!
I thought this line did a nice job of capturing Sylar's thoughts:
"It was like similar discussions with Chandra only different in a way that Sylar still couldn’t put his finger on, a concept so foreign it eluded him, infuriated him."
And I love the conversation between them in the last part. I always find the way they deal with each other verbally and through body language fascinating b/c so much more is said that the reader or audience has to infer.
Next chapter should be out by the weekend, I think.
this is awesome, plot!!! *grabs it greedily*
oh u know what i liked? it was the parallel b/w both maya and mohinder being duped by sylar. they have a lot more in common than they thought, lol. maybe zane kissed mohinder like gabriel did w/ maya?? *smirk* one could only hope.
i look forward to the next chapter
There definitely is a parallel between the two characters in that way. Moral of the story, road trips are fun? lol, seriously though, Maya bugs the hell outta me, with her naive little savior-crush, but she is the only other person who can kinda relate.
I simply loved Sylar's thought process at the beginning, it was very in-character. And that last scene with them was just hot!
I hope you get part 2 out soon!
And that last scene with them was just hot!
This comment makes me all kinds of happy, seriously. I'm very new to writing that kind of stuff, so its awesome to know I pulled it off. ^_^
*evil grin*
So glad you liked it!
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