Drabble: Redden

Aug 14, 2010 16:14

Title: Redden
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 115
Characters: Robin/Isabella
Prompt: Robin/Isabella; red, meadow
Notes: Written for 2010 rh_drabblefest.
Disclaimer: Robin Hood is copyright to Tiger Aspect and the BBC. All Rights Reserved. No copyright infringement is intended, and no money is being made.

Hand in hand they walked, searching the meadow for hidden treasures. Now and then they found wild strawberries and fed each other, tempting one another, kissing sweetly and longingly. Their lips got redder and their hearts beat faster. The juice on her fingers left trails on his white shirt and her kisses on his neck left a red, running mark - almost like a small but dangerous wound.

She wanted to feed him more, pick more delights. But his hand stilled her and he took her in his warm, safe arms.

“No more for now. We'll save them for next time,” he whispered.

Next time, her heart sang. There would be a next time.

robinxisabella, fic, fic: redden, rh_drabblefest 2010, drabble

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